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Choose a Piano Teacher - An Informative How-To

Are you considering starting off on the road to being a pianist? Have you played for years and simply want to take things to the next level? Was playing the piano an unfulfilled childhood dream? Do you regret quitting? You're probably looking for a piano teacher if any of the above are true.
Choosing a good piano teacher can be a daunting task, and will affect the success of your pianistic endeavors more than any other related decision you'll make, other than perhaps to practice regularly.
There is an incredible amount of misconception floating around about how to choose a piano teacher.
Your teacher will be the MOST important aspect of your piano career.
Regardless of how motivated or talented you might be, your teacher will have the potential to amplify those aspects, or totally destroy them.
Often times, people think that they can compensate for a bad teacher by working harder...
You wouldn't hire a crummy guide to help you climb Mt.
Everest would you? I'm pretty sure that if you're just starting out, all the effort in the world won't save you then..
That being said, it's important to find a teacher that can help you reach your goals and "jives" with you so to speak.
It then logically follows that setting, or even just knowing what your goals are is possibly the most important thing you could do when choosing a piano teacher.
Consider asking yourself the following questions "What level of proficiency would I like to reach at the piano?", "Do I have any career goals?", "Do I want to perform for others, or play for myself?".
Questions like these will help you firmly establish your goals.
If you would like to perform, you will need a teacher that not only produces solid performers, but also provides their students with ample performance opportunities to showcase their talents.
If you'd just like to play for yourself, you probably won't want a teacher who will pressure you to perform regularly.
Now that we've figured out how to pick a piano teacher, let's figure out how to find one.
To find piano teachers in your area, I would suggest visiting the MTNA website.
That is of course the Music Teachers National Association Website.
They have a feature that will allow you to contact your Local MTNA Chapter who will be able to help you find a teacher.
Also, you may consider contacting your local universities music department, and asking the chair of piano about piano teachers in the area.
I hope this article's been helpful.
Best of luck in your search for a piano teacher!

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