Travel & Places Hotels & Lodging

Affordable Luxury Hotel Chains a Reality

The terms "affordable" and "luxury hotel chains" rarely appear in the same sentence and most people probably don't think they go together at all.
Today, that's no longer the case as the two ideas meet thanks to travel clubs like Global Resorts Network and the deep discounts they offer.
This, combined with the uncertain economy for the travel industry, means serious, luxury vacations at discount prices.
In fact, Bloomberg reported in August that many luxury hotel chains are downgrading services and losing their five-star ratings in order to lower costs and prices so that they can survive the downturn in the travel economy.
Other hotels, however, are keeping their stars and are instead partnering with travel groups who can fill their rooms quickly, keeping them busy (even at a discount) for the season.
Travel clubs like the Global Resorts Network are booking these luxury hotels at 60-70% below standard rates because of this phenomenon and building relationships with the hotel chains' owners and managers to keep future possibilities open.
So although the economy for the travel industry is slow, many chains are not having to lay off employees or lower their status just to stay afloat.
For the traveler, this means that a luxury hotel suite or booking can often be had at motel-like prices.
One recent traveler, a member of GRN, booked a 2-room suite in Hawaii for only $599 for the week, versus the usual $3,500 price.
This deep discount was thanks to his GRN membership and ability to book ahead at a chain that otherwise would have had empty rooms.
This is great news for the vacationer or traveler who wants to stay at a luxury hotel, but can't really afford the extra cost to do so.
For the hotel manager, it's perfect news because it keeps the hotel running and in the black.
Anyone looking for a great vacation with all the luxury hotel amenities and perks without needing a second mortgage to get it has the opportunity of a lifetime right now.
Because of the buying power of the Global Resorts Network and the sluggish hotel economy right now, it's possible to book your dream vacation at a fraction of what it would have cost last year and probably at a fraction of what it will cost next year.
Now is the time to have the vacation you've always dreamed of, complete with luxury hotel chains and exotic locales.
For the business traveler, it's even better, as not only can the luxury stay be accommodated, but so can the impressive meeting rooms and other amenities the luxury hotel offers.
Impress clients with your smart business sense in getting luxury hotel services for next to nothing.
Imagine your meeting beginning with the phrase, "I got this for 40% of its normal cost because I have people who can do that for me.
" What are you waiting for? There are luxury hotels all over the world with rooms to be filled!

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