Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

5 Natural Insomnia Tips

When insomnia hits, many of us turn to sleeping pills to get the rest we need.
However, there are many natural remedies for insomnia which will allow you to sleep better without the side effects of chemical sleeping aids.
The first step is to take preventative action before insomnia hits, or during the day before a night you know you might have trouble getting to sleep.
Cut down on caffeine and other drugs.
This doesn't mean just stopping the coffee past noon, but also determining when you should stop drinking any teas that contain caffeine (green and black are the most popular) and avoiding antihistamines and appetite suppressant medicines.
These may contribute to keeping you awake at night.
Avoid watching too much TV.
When you get home from school or work, try to resist the urge to watch the tube the rest of the evening.
Try reading, writing, or doing something else that helps you relax.
Control anxiety and/or depression.
Insomnia is often a result of depression or anxiety.
If you think this might be the case with you, find ways to deal with these issues in a way that will allow you to relax a bit.
This could be anything, from seeking help to having a hot bath or writing out a detailed plan to deal with what is causing you stress.
Documenting what is causing the anxiety may be what your mind needs to stop stressing about it for a while.
When it's closer to bedtime, there are more easy and natural things you can do \to help sleep better.
Drink warm milk.
You've probably heard this one before, but it actually is effective.
Milk contains tryptophan, which helps to induce sleep.
That combined with the soothing warmth of milk will help you relax and fall asleep.
If milk isn't your thing, try herbal tea with honey (such as chamomile).
Don't lie awake in bed.
If you stay in bed tossing and turning, you might actually make it harder to fall asleep.
If you're lying in bed unable to sleep, don't try to force sleep to come.
Get up, try some of that warm milk or tea and do something calming while avoiding turning on the television or computer.
Once you begin to feel tired again, go back to bed and try again.
These tips might seem simple, but they are highly effective.
Natural remedies are also gentler on our bodies and minds, with less side effects and problems down the road.
Insomnia is usually a result of some kind of stress or lifestyle imbalance, meaning it can usually be cured without the use of drugs.

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