Business & Finance Small Business

Rich Sage Uses A Highly Successful Writing Formula

As the Rich Sage I've to write a lot of articles to get the attention of readers who are trying to make money online, worldwide.

My article list of subjects is already over 125 and keeps growing. To keep the subject matter in check and to keep the readers' attention, I use a simple formula for article writing success.

This method is called A.I.D.A. or Attention, Interest, Decision and Action.

If you are online for the purpose of having more and more readers and marketing products, this is a must use formula for your success. To do this, everything that you write has to follow a winning format and entice new readers or buyers of your products to make a purchase.

IF you don't, you're losing business and readers.

Using the AIDA approach is all about BUY NOW! in your copy.

WHAT is A.D.I.A.?

AIDA is an acronym that stands for Attention, Interest, Decision & Action and it is THE FORMULA to help you create great copy, even when you are not the best writer.

Let's quickly cover the AIDA formula: A is for Attention. Getting the attention of the reader is the first important part --no attention. No reader. No sale. Usually, in the commercial world titles and graphics get our attention. The attention getting is done in many ways. Often you'll see a solution to a problem. Or a new improved service or product. For example, Do you have a problem cleaning the toilet bowl? We've got a solution.

NEXT is Interest. Once you have the attention of the reader, listener or viewer, you'll need to tell a bit more about the product or process. You do this by telling a little bit more. You can say something like After using XYZ Cleaner, you windows will be clear for weeks. Well, at least a guy would like to think like that!

Then there is the D for Decision. Now it's time to ask your reader, viewer, listener and/or visitor to make a decision. At this point you use the writing process to reinforce the decision that the buyer will make. You can say something like Our ABC cleaner is proven to be better than D, E and F, and we guarantee that you'll keep using ABC brand.

Lastly, there is the A for Action. This is the area where you say, "if you do have that problem... and get them to call, visit, click, or buy our brand to solve it. You must clear state what you want the reader to do. If you look at the signature line at the bottom of this article for the Rich Sage, note how I in just a few lines use ALL of the AIDA methods to get the reader to visit my online blog?

That is what you'll need to do Use every moment of the time you've got the attention of the reader to make your case and get the reader to take action.

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