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Enjoying the Holidays Without Orthodontic Tragedy

The holiday season at its best is a time for rest, relaxation, feasting, and celebration with family and friends.
But, with the extra R&R, partying, and eating, people with Invisalign or braces may slip and eat something harmful to their orthodontics or forget to keep good hygiene habits altogether.
It only takes a little bit of negligence to set back orthodontic treatment.
Also, without consistent care cavities, gum disease, and teeth staining are just around the corner.
To avoid these problems, adults and teens under orthodontic treatment should follow a few simple guidelines to sidestep an emergency visit with the orthodontist during the holidays.
Mainly, people should avoid chewing hard and sticky foods, non-edible objects, and sugary beverages.
Every year there are some patients that have damaged their Invisalign or braces during the holidays.
Of course these things can be fixed, but who wants to spend time on their vacation at the doctor's office? Plus, damages prolong treatment.
Instead, with just a little wisdom and responsibility patients can prevent trips to the orthodontist and fully enjoy the holidays.
Foreign Objects For some people, chewing pencils, pens, fingernails, or straws is simply irresistible.
But these hard, non-edible objects can not only chip, crack, or erode teeth enamel, they can also damage Invisalign trays or break braces brackets as well.
Patients that chew on fingernails, pens, or pencils need to know they are doing permanent damage to their teeth and will invariably bump into orthodontic trouble at some point.
And when it comes to pens and pencils, you're running the risk of poisoning as well.
At that point, a loose bracket is the least of your worries.
Hard Foods Partaking in a hard crust pizza, bagel, hard pretzel, dinner roll, or other hard foods could end in a trip to the orthodontist.
There is always an element of temptation when it comes to orthodontics.
Every patient has to resist a certain food or treat, but it is a worthy sacrifice for straight teeth and a new, improved smile.
Even though brackets are molded onto teeth, the adhesive has its limits.
If you can't resist a hard food or candy, be sure to not chew directly on the braces brackets.
Use your molars as much as possible.
This will help, but it is still risky.
" Sticky Foods When eating sticky food, people run the risk of getting food bits stuck under braces.
This can result in tooth decay or cavities if left unattended.
For patients with Invisalign orthodontics, sticky foods left on teeth can create a buildup of bacteria on the Invisalign trays.
Foods to avoid include caramel, Starbursts, taffy, Tootsie Rolls, Skittles, and other sticky treats.
Sticky foods can be a real mess for patients and orthodontists.
Little food bits will bury themselves anywhere and everywhere.
Then the floodgates are open for tooth decay.
Even people that limit themselves to one treat are leaving themselves open for serious dental complications.
Though not a sticky food, those heading to the movies for a holiday film should stay away from popcorn, as the shells often get stuck under braces.
Sugary Beverages Drinks filled with sugar or carbonated soft drinks often contain phosphoric acid that can cause enamel staining and cavities.
For people with braces, this can result in staining around braces, resulting in multi-colored teeth.
Those using Invisalign run the risk of letting sugary residue on Invisalign trays develop bacteria.
Between the list of bad foods and sugary drinks, people must be wondering what they can enjoy rather than what they shouldn't.
There are lots of foods and drinks to enjoy, but you may have to look at a few nutrition labels first.
But for those that can't resist, remember to brush and floss promptly after eating.
Also, patients with enameled colored braces (also known as invisible braces) run the risk of staining their braces when drinking artificially colored drinks.
Foods to Enjoy Believe it or not, there are some treats out there that aren't only okay to eat, but are encouraged during orthodontic treatment.
Chewing gum increases saliva flow, which helps keep teeth clean.
However, sugarless chewing gum is the optimal option as gums with sugar can build up plaque around teeth.
With all of the bad things patients can eat, you'd think its all doom and gloom when it comes to enjoying meals.
But many soft treats like yogurt and ice cream are encouraged.
As long as patients are responsible, treatment won't feel like torture.
And when patients get their brand new smiles, half of them forget about the restricted foods anyhow.
Holiday Hygiene Oral hygiene is extremely important for everyone, especially those with braces.
Brushing and flossing after every meal is very important.
Food can easily wedge itself between the brackets and teeth.
This can cause tooth discolorations as well as cavities, stains, and tooth decay.
Orthodontists recommend using a regular soft brush toothbrush and a special spiral brush to get in-between the brackets and wires of braces.
Also, most orthodontists will give patients a special floss threader to make sure they can floss easily.
Invisalign care is similar for Invisalign patients.
It is important to clean teeth regularly and to take the trays out before every meal.

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