Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

The Cause of Disease - Working With Beliefs and Attitudes

When scientists look for the cause of cancer, they focus on genetics and environmental issues.
When allopathic (traditional) doctors attempt to "cure" a disease, they focus on drugs, surgery, splints and other tools.
Holistic practitioners look beneath the physical to the emotional and mental state of the person who is presenting his or herself with an illness.
For holistic practitioners the disease is the symptom of an underlying problem.
The cause is not toxins, drug interactions, diet or genetics.
It's not even exercise or lack of exercise.
The causes of disease are the emotional wounds and beliefs that are non-supportive of health.
Some of these beliefs are acquired as early as the womb.
For you to totally heal from a physical issue, you also need to heal the emotional and mental causes of the problem.
For an example, let's take an overgrowth of cells in the breast which is referred to as breast cancer.
I prefer to say "overgrowth of cells" because people move directly into fear, frequently paralyzing fear, when they hear "cancer.
The key to healing the emotional cause of the overgrowth is to go to the feelings and beliefs beneath that overgrowth of cells.
How do you find those feelings and beliefs? There are several things you can do.
  1. Research the symbolic meaning of the diagnosis.
    My favorite resource is Louise Hay.
    Put her name and "breast cancer" in the search engine and read the information.
  2. When you read the symbolism, what emotions come up for you? For instance, an overgrowth of cells within the breast could be the result of two events: not receiving nurturing either now or in the past and nurturing others but not yourself.
    Do you feel anger, sadness, shame, despair?
  3. What are the core beliefs associated with your feelings.
    Possibilities are "I don't deserve to be nurtured.
    " Or "It is selfish for me to take time for myself.
Work with a health care practitioner who is an expert in helping you find the beliefs and feelings underlying your diagnosis.
There are commonalities, but everyone is different.
Once you find the beliefs and feelings, how do you change them? This, of course, is the crux of the matter.
Some possibilities are:
  1. Changing the beliefs through modalities such as PSYCH-K and the BodyTalk System.
  2. Spiritual healing through prayer.
  3. Working with an expert in energy healing who moves the energy of the destructive beliefs and feelings from your body.
  4. Forgiving yourself and others for the events that resulted in the emotional pain.
The key to complete healing is to work with a physical health care practitioner as well as one who is knowledgeable to releasing and changing the underlying causes of the diagnosis.

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