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Importance of Current Affairs Quiz in Competitive Exams

We all are aware of the importance of general knowledge in our lives today. It has become an inevitable part of our lives which broadens our perspective to understand things. General knowledge gives us a vivid picture of events or incidents that took place in our past and holds some significance. General knowledge usually consists of information about that had an impact negative or positive. General knowledge is the recorded from of current affairs. Every second something occurs in every corner of the world. The news spreads across the world and the important events are analysed and recorded for the generations to come. However, the best medium to increase your general knowledge is through quizzes. They are a combined medium of information from all parts of the world and cover every area like sports, business, politics, science and technology etc.

Current affairs are the recent events or incidents taking place around us while general knowledge is the information regarding events that have already taken place in the past. They both serve the similar purpose of spreading awareness. Awareness is a cover that protects you from the dangerous outside forces. It helps you keep a check on the prevailing conditions in the society and gives you ample amount of time to deal with it. Awareness usually helps in the time of disasters. If you are updated and aware, you will have enough time to face it.
Quizzes are the most preferred medium to update you with general knowledge.

They are a fun activity that can entertain you and provide you with information and the same time. In our schools, there are quiz contest every month. They cover various fields like sports, politics, business etc. they are a medium to acquaint students with the on-going affairs. Quizzes are a chosen as a medium because they attract the attention of the students. They are usually in a game format where the level increases with every question. This instils in the students a sense of excitement. It holds their interest for a longer period of time and helps them get into the habit of reading newspapers and staying updated.

Current affairs cover a large area. They can range from information regarding a sport personality to tragic natural disaster. However, it aims at spreading general awareness amongst the public. While Current affairs quiz can acquaint you with the incidents that have already occurs, newspapers can provide you with the latest occurrences that have taken place around us.

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