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Starting a Mobile Auto Detailing Business - A Quick Discussion

If you are going to start a mobile auto detailing company, you need to find someone who is both fair and honest to buy the right equipment from, and perhaps someone who has been setting up detailing rigs for a couple of decades - basically someone who knows their stuff.
You may not find someone setting up these units in California, in fact I can remember before I retired we got tired of all the over-regulation there.
We had moved our training to Las Vegas and our truck bed and trailer manufacturing to AZ.
Okay so, once you find a good vendor then you must decide what type of equipment to buy.
Will you get a skid unit for the back of a pick-up, try a van set up, or consider a trailer you can unhook at the end of the day? If you do get a trailer, should you get a single or dual axle trailer? Well, often dual axle trailers are better, even though sometimes they wear out tires quicker, but they are more stable and safe especially fully loaded in the rain.
In the city trailers can curtail stopping distance, making an accident more likely.
Remember if you are in a bigger city there is a lot of traffic and frequent need for quick stopping, and some of the dual trailers have trailer brakes or you can add them later.
Should you buy a new or used rig? Well, that's a decent question.
Yes, sometimes you can find deals on used rigs where people bail-out of the business for a corporate job, you'd be surprised that companies will try to hire away your best workers and even offer you jobs too, obviously if you can run a business, you'd make a great employee because you know how to get things done.
Now then, before you go and start your new business, especially if you are leaving a good paying job with benefits, you need to ask yourself if you can go without any income for a while, if not you; I might think twice if I were you.
It's going to be challenging at first, perhaps no real income for a while.
Running a company is hard work, and nothing is guaranteed.
Okay so, those are some important considerations prior to starting your own mobile auto detailing business.
I hope you enjoyed today's conversation, but more importantly, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

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