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Do You Know That Many People Prefer Comedians And Entertainers to Jesus Christ Who Forgives Sin?

This amazing man called Isaiah was very much a leader.
He was one of the few leaders in his day who could be trusted utterly and totally.
He wrote four passages which are called 'servant Songs' and these thoughts come from the fourth song or poem in Isaiah Chapters 52 and 53.
Do read these enriching and rewarding words.
In Isaiah's day, when Almighty God looked at our world, God saw a dry barren wilderness.
Compared with what He created, it was now so dry and so barren and so unproductive.
It was as if not one single person had given to God what He looked for! Is there not just one Who will truly serve Me? And one day GOD revealed an astounding truth to Isaiah and Isaiah saw a little green tender shoot, coming out of the ground and being born in Bethlehem and growing up in Nazareth, and it was pleasing in God's sight.
Isaiah realised that the tender shoot he espied was the coming Messiah and the long awaited Saviour.
We of course have the New Testament which clearly indicates that it is Jesus Christ.
All this refers to Jesus Christ, and Isaiah is revealing all this prophetically some six hundred years before it all happened.
This make one just want to bow and worship and give thanks to Almighty God for Jesus Christ, the Saviour and Lord.
In my recent reading and studies of these four 'Servant Songs' it has become such a rich part of Holy Scripture.
In fact, every part is rich and enriching, but it is the part that one currently is reading and studying which is specifically rewarding at that moment in time.
When Jesus was growing up, many people saw only an apprentice carpenter, or Mary's boy.
Jesus did not look anything out of the ordinary, except when God the Father looked at Him.
He saw the difference, and it pleased Him.
"This is My beloved Son and with you I am well pleased.
" Someone was born who truly pleased the Father.
We have no physical description of Jesus Christ.
We do not know what He looked like, except to say, that He had no beauty or majesty that would attract us to Him.
There was nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him.
It is something more that makes people run after Jesus and gives that desire to be united with our Creator God.
It is that need to have our sins forgiven and that longing to serve Him, and make our life count.
Jesus loves and Jesus heals and Jesus teaches and Jesus speaks to the people nobody else wanted dealings with, and Jesus forgives the sinner and goes on to say, "Now sin no more".
Jesus Christ challenges.
Jesus calls, and chooses, and commands.
Jesus changes people.
He changes and transforms rascals like Zacchaeus and prostitutes and demon oppressed people, who wanted out of these prisons, and into the clear clean air of His Kingdom.
Isaiah chapter 53 and verse 3, is one of the most moving verses in the Bible.
Jesus Christ was not a jolly cheerful character.
He was not always laughing and joking.
He knew sorrow and grief.
Many prefer comedians to this type of man, and people turn away from Jesus, and that is all a man has to do to pain and wound the heart of Jesus.
His heart is tender because it is so full of concern and compassion.
One of the most important questions that can arise from such a passage is, "How do you react and respond to the mercy and love and forgiveness of the real and risen Lord Jesus Christ?" Sandy Shaw

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