Health & Medical Hypertension

High Blood Pressure Treatments Fall Into 3 Categories - Two of Them Can Be Deadly

High blood pressure treatments fall into one of three categories.
The category that most of us are familiar with, thanks to television, is pharmaceuticals.
There are over 200 separate brands that deal with high blood pressure.
These drugs fall into one of four subcategories; diuretics, ACE Inhibitors, Beta Blockers and the most popular, Calcium Channel Blockers.
Each of these categories attacks blood pressure and hypertension in a specific way.
As a result, there is no one drug that can cure hypertension.
Doctors typically prescribe a combination and then play with the dosage to get the desired effect of lower blood pressure and patient tolerance.
Patient tolerance is important because these drugs come with a laundry list of side effects.
HBP meds can cause dizziness, a sense of weakness, headaches, coughing, blurry vision, fainting, frequent urination and erectile dysfunction.
They can also kill you.
Calcium Channel Blockers in particular cause 40,000 heart attacks per year according to a Wake Forest University report.
Stroke, blindness, kidney failure and congestive heart failure are also among the side effects of BP medication.
The second "treatment" is one that far too many Americans follow.
They are told that they are pre-hypertensive but the doctor suggests a change in lifestyle rather than medicine.
The patient then puts it out of his mind and does nothing.
This"do nothing treatment" is the equivalent of playing Russian roulette with three bullets in the gun.
Over 70 million Americans have high blood pressure or hypertension.
It kills over 50,000 a year.
There are no outward symptoms until a serious event like stroke or heart attack hits.
Of course then the damage is done.
This disease is way too dangerous to ignore.
The third category of treatment is "Natural.
" A natural treatment of high blood pressure can not only reverse the condition but repair the damage that has been done to the blood vessels.
Natural treatments focus on exercise, nutrition and stress management.
There's something in the way you live today that has caused the high blood pressure.
It's probably the food you eat, lack of exercise, the stress of everyday life and being overweight.
You need to change these things if you want to avoid the dangers of high blood pressure.
Lowering your pressure naturally is not difficult.
You can shave 20 points in three weeks very easily.
It does take commitment and persistence though.

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