Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

English Dissertation

English dissertations are the most common type of dissertations those you can find in the net. As English is the most popular language of this planet and in high education system this language is very much preferred because of it's global nature, English dissertation are the most common type of dissertation that you will find while searching the net.

As like other dissertations the subject matter of these writings can vary from subject to subject. In any case the fundamental system of writing a dissertation is followed irrespective of the subject.

The initial point of starting a research paper is the identification of the problem area and then converting it into a workable problem statement. The next thing is to do a lot of literature survey and background study to understand the subject in depth. At the time of writing the introduction of the research paper this reading will help you a lot. The next chapters of the writing will be the research methodology which will include sections like sampling, data collection and analysis. The last chapters are analysis, conclusion and the bibliography etc.

At the time of writing the choice of English words is very much important. The strength or impressiveness of the words very often depends upon the matter. But manner is equally important. It is difficult to give a single way of becoming impressive in language but some of them can be suggested.

a)      Choice of words: The plainest words are often the most impressive. Sometimes when the writer puts it in a short and balanced sentence, they become all the more impressive. Many a time a good writer will clinch the problem with a crisp and sharp sentence. But very pompous phrases, remote allusions and quotations can't produce a lasting impression. But sometimes some of the phrases become so commonly used phrases that they do not have much of appeal.

b)      Number of words: It is terseness which helps impressiveness. Multitude of words often ends in obscurity and show that it ends in feebleness. Sometimes a single word can give a more vivid impression than the large number of words. But sometimes in order to make the idea more impressive, one has to be a bit diffused. For example, " It is by his poetry that Milton is best known and it is of his poetry that we wish first to speak" is more emphatic than, " Milton is known by his poetry and we wish to speak of it first". Sometimes emphasis is achieved by the use of auxiliary ‘do'. For example when we say, "You do appreciate, it is more emphatic". Similarly, sometimes we secure emphasis through repetitions.

c)      Order of words: for the sake of clearness English must adopt a less free arrangement of words. But the usual adherence of a certain order renders departure there from a very poor means of securing. If the idea is expressed by the predicate or by the object or by adverbial extension of the predicate. Similarly, sometimes emphasis is secured by placing some words at the end. Some sentences have first and last words occupied by something unusual. For example, "Silver and gold have on the none" or "Home they brought her warrior dead".

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