Society & Culture & Entertainment Books & Literature

7 Mistakes Information Marketers Make

Information products are the hottest thing going on the internet right now!

Authors with the entrepreneurial trait are making mega bucks monthly by selling information in ebook, video, audio, seminar etc.

But why are some authors doing so much better than others?

In my quest, I have discovered top seven mistakes that most authors of information products make that holds them back from major success.

1. They do not target a specific and defined audience with their products.

The biggest mistake most authors make is not clearly identifying who is going to buy their product.

To be successful as a information marketer on the internet, you must develop your product for specific group of people and make sure exactly where you can find them online.

2. They do not automate as many of their business activities as possible. Online information marketing business is profitable but will generate a lot of inquiries and other things that doing them manually will only slow you down and destroy your credibility.

Automate everything that you can start email inquiries, payment processing etc.

3. Not having a compelling title.

Use attention-grabbing words that convey the benefit of what is in the product, words that can be easily remembered.

4. Trying To Create a Super Product

Many authors try to create a super this or that in their product and in so doing they try to convey lots of information but do not cover in dept anything. As a result of which they never explain enough details to provide any useful value to their customers. This is a big mistake to make especially when it comes to the€ HOW TO€ products.

5. Not Being Pro-active In Their Marketing

It would be nice if marketing your product simply happens on its own but it does not. You must have to do it by yourself.
After you have promoted to people on your mailing list, then contact other web site owners and enter into a joint venture with them.

6. Not Differentiating Their Product From Its Competitors

When you choose your topic, even if there are a hundred other e-books out there on the same general subject, choose an angle for yours that will make it easy for yours to stand it from the crowd.

7. Creating A Product No One Will Pay For.

Many create products that people can either get free or ones that people are not interested in paying for.
Before you invest your time and money in creating that product again, take your time to investigate how other products in the same topic are selling.

So there you have it-the seven big mistakes to avoid

Bear in mind that the opportunities are plentiful and huge and right now for anyone who wants to make it in the information business. It just requires a simple use of common sense

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