Law & Legal & Attorney Employment & labor Law

Employers Peeking in Their Employee"s Social Media Accounts: Is It Illegal or Not?

Who would have thought that Facebook, a social media site that forever changed the lives of millions of people across the globe has just turned 10? Launched in 2004, this site helped people connect with each other, near or far, young or old.
Helping people share images, videos, content, and emotions, this touched the emotions of people and that caused it to be an instant hit among people.
Things to Dislike About Social Media Keeping social media accounts can both be a blessing and a curse.
Because people share a lot about themselves via social media, it has become a tool for some to bring others down.
Like in workplaces, some employers use the things people share through these media to come up with unfair decisions regarding one's employment.
Many has fallen victim to these kinds of labor law violations making them losing their jobs.
What Causes These Kinds of Abuses The acts mentioned earlier aren't right.
Everybody is entitled to their privacy and their private life should never be associated with work, unless it affects their effectiveness in doing their job.
So why do these things happen? Here are some of the reasons: Labor Laws Lag Behind Technology.
Invasion of one's privacy is a crime.
However, there are some things that are unprotected by laws regarding one's privacy.
For example, since the boom of social networking sites, there hasn't been any clear-cut legislation that defines when checking out a social media account of an employee is considered an invasion of one's privacy.
Until all-encompassing laws are passed, this dilemma for employees will continue that may catch them off guard and leave them losing their jobs because of one's "harmless" social media post.
While laws that aim to protect the rights of workers exist, confusion about how certain laws work affects its effectiveness.
New laws can be made to specifically protect the rights of employees to privacy with their social media accounts, there might be some laws that already offer those protections.
So before crafting new laws or amendments, authorities including the courts should first review.
In such cases, victims of invasion of privacy and labor laws must seek the advice of a good Los Angeles employment law attorney.
This way, one would be able to get the best legal advice, helping them to prepare the necessary pieces of evidence, file the right charges, and get the best representation in court.
Everybody deserves to keep a piece of them for themselves, and employers must learn to respect that.
And while legislators try to find their way to solve this stalemate, workplace privacy will remain a very debatable topic.

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