Health & Medical Anti Aging

Aging and a Healthy Mind

Many of us experience a decline in brain function at one time or another.
It has been said that after middle age, the brain loses 50,000 nerve cells daily and up to 20% of the hippocampus (involved in memory).
This does not have to become a serious problem and there are many examples of people who work in jobs requiring a sharp intellect well into an advanced age.
Here are some things you can do to improve the functioning of your mind.
First of all exercise has been shown to improve brain function and decrease the incidence of depression and Alzheimer's disease.
Exercise also seems to inhibit the effects of aging on the brain.
Benefits can be achieved with as little as 15-30 minutes of aerobic exercise 3 times per week.
A diet high in saturated fats tends to decrease brain function.
So exercise and proper diet can help to improve your mind.
Second, learn something new every day.
Stimulating your mind can help it to produce new brain cells.
Mental exercise also stimulates existing brain cells to branch and form connections with other cells.
The new branches are like adding extra memory to a computer.
Anything that is intellectually challenging will help to stimulate brain cells.
Taking up a new endeavor such as music, art or writing or taking a class will provide a good amount of stimulation.
Activities that are unlike the activities you do tend to be more stimulating.
For example an accountant might take up music or an artist may try math puzzles.
Third, consider taking nutrients.
There are a few nutrients that have been shown to increase brain function.
Here are a few: 1.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid.
It is found to be effective in enhancing short-term memory for Alzheimer's patients.
It may also help to alleviate depression.
Ginko biloba has been shown to significantly improve concentration and short-term memory.
It acts as a vasodilator that increases blood and oxygen to the brain.
It also has antioxidant properties which help to get rid of free radicals that could cause brain damage.
Pyroglutamic acid (PCA) helps to improve verbal memory function in patients with age related memory decline.
PCA enhances brain function and increases energy in the brain.
L-tyrosine helps to negate the effects of stress on the brain.
It has a calming, stabilizing effect and has been shown to affect mood and stress.
It also helps alleviate depression.
Choline boosts production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which helps to protect the brain against age-related memory problems.
We all hope to age gracefully and a well-functioning mind is an important part of healthy aging.
In the past it was thought that our genetics determined when our minds would decline.
Now we are beginning to see that there are a number of things we can do to keep our minds functioning at an optimal level.

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