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How Are Bugs & Insects Different?


    • The designation of bug is a very general name for any small thing without a backbone that crawls or flies. This can include spiders, insects, centipedes and scorpions just to name a few.


    • Whereas insects are a type of bug, a bug in many cases is a type of organism called an arthropod. Arthropods have basic characters such as having an exoskeleton, segmented body, jointed appendages, tubular open digestive system and a ventral nerve chord.


    • Insects are defined by science by specialized characteristics. The characteristics include having three body regions, one pair of antennae and three pairs of legs.

    Expert Insight

    • There are more described insect species that any other living organisms. There are nearly 1 million described species of insects.


    • Whereas most people cringe at the sight of a bug or insect, without them, life on earth would be very different. Most plants are pollinated by insects and most organic material is broken down in the environment with the aid of insects and other bugs.

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