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Warning - To Get Your Ex-Boyfriend Back You Must Avoid These 3 Relationship-Killing Pitfalls

If you are in the situation of trying to get your ex boyfriend back, you're likely in a great deal of pain. That's perfectly understandable. The good news is that you are reading the right article to help get your relationship back on track.

Even though you are hurting, you need to understand that you'll need to first work on controlling your emotions. As you work on repairing your relationship, an emotional flare up could damage things even further and possible ruin any chance you have of getting him back in your life. This is the time to separate the rational part of your brain from your emotions.

Now for the good news. If you follow the right steps, it's very possible that you'll be back together in just a few short days. Although from inside your situation might seem dire and final, it's surprising how often relationships can be salvaged.

If you keep a positive attitude and work at following the steps below, you'll have a great shot at getting him back again. Of course the main thing is to avoid the pitfalls that can end whatever chance you might have before the healing can begin. So pay careful attention to the three "gotchas" below and you'll be on your way to restoring your love.

* Stay sober when you call him.

Alcohol leads to poor judgment. Poor judgment leads to saying things or acting in ways that you shouldn't. Adding strong emotion to the mix almost guarantees problems. Your feelings of rejection coupled with the pain you're feeling give alcohol just the fuel it needs to cause you to go off of the deep end.

Even if you're able to keep your emotions in firm check, you are at risk of letting your neediness control your actions and words. Again, while there's nothing wrong with maintaining communication you need to work at minimizing contact so that your clingy and needy side stays under firm control.

* Avoid emotional eating.

It's easy to fall into the trap of opening the refrigerator when you're feeling down. However, remember a few things. First, food never fixes anything. In the end, it's really just fuel. Second, extra eating will lead to weight gains which furthers depression and feelings of self-contempt.

Finally, when you gain weight, you lose self-confidence. You'll need all the self confidence you can muster to deal with your ex boyfriend. Your goal instead should be to better your appearance so that when he sees you he'll think about what he's missing. Your attractiveness can help you win him back.

* Control your anger - no matter how much he deserves it.

If he's acted badly, it's completely normal for you to feel hurt, angry and betrayed. When you feel this way it's easy to want to punish the person responsible for these feelings. Just remember the goal. If you want him back, don't push him away with harsh words and arguments.

The easiest way to keep your anger in check is to follow a no-contact rule. Let him reach out to you instead of you reaching for him. When you make the contact and things don't go as planned, it's easy for the anger to build even further. Fighting will not get your ex boyfriend back.

Keep your distance when you are feeling angry, and once you're thinking clearly and the temper is back under control, work on relating to him in a positive manner.

While these few important tips will keep you from making huge mistakes, there are quite a few more things you can do to salvage your relationship. To bring your ex boyfriend back, you should find a good plan and stick with it. Make sure your emotions are in check and play things smart, and you have a good chance at salvaging the relationship.

These are a few things you should never do. The list doesn't stop here, though. More importantly is the things you should do right now to get your ex back. What you do next is crucial to get your ex boyfriend back. Don't throw away your chances by not knowing what to do next

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