If You Don"t Flip the Script, Someone Else Will
Copyright (c) 2009 Vin DiCarloThere's a resource that I've tried that gives me a complete strategy for "flipping the script" with women you date.This is what I mean by "flipping the script": in most relationships, hell in damn near every interaction between men and women, women have all the power.But it's because men give it to them.Typically, it's the man working to chase the woman. This frames her as the prize, and lowers the man's value, relative to the women.The woman may talk to the guy, or even date him, for a time, but ultimately she won't feel that charge of attraction that really makes her want him in her life.This is because she needs to perceive the man as valuable, a prize to be won over. When she is with him, she is turned intimately by such a great guy, and this makes her act much differently than with other guys.Have you ever had a woman want to please you more than anything in the world? The woman was willing to do anything, just to be near you.When you gave her a compliment, she lit up like a kid at Christmas.She bought little roleplaying outfits to surprise you...If you've never had a beautiful woman treat you like a king, then you are missing out, believe me.It's a nice thing having a naked, gorgeous, soft young woman giving you a backrub as a way of EARNING in bed from you.Yes, that's right. this is about making YOU the sensual prize.The woman is no longer in control, and treats having mate like a "favor" that she gives you.Rather, she craves your manhood, and will cook, clean, buy your wardrobe, whatever it takes to please you.I know this may far fetched, but it's real, believe me.It's just that you never hear about relationships like this. Of course a woman would never admit this, and guys who live this don't talk about it. Why should they? It's better for them if this kind of thing is kept a secret.See, if word got out that women actually LIKE serving a man, and ENJOY the prize-reversal, every guy would use this kind of method.What's sad is that many guys have girlfriends that they love, and would do anything for.Maybe the guy is paying her bills, and always pays for dinner when they have a date.He drives two hours just to see her, and is waiting for the right time to marry her.Now she, on the other side, accepts all of his boyfriend's gifts, but when he's not around she is a different woman.There's this drug-dealer thug that lives on the other side of town. He met her at a nightclub, said some nice things in her ear, and took her home.He gave her great dealing in bed, and had her wrapped around his finger.Now she is taking the money her boyfriend gives her, and uses it to by this new shoes, and pays for the lease on his Escalade.And it's not that she likes drug dealers, or the thug lifestyle. She just feels attraction for this guy because he acts like she is lucky to be with him.He doesn't hold his urges back, so when she's with him, she can be as kinky and wild as she wants, and in return he'll make her feel incredible.Maybe you noticed that this story isn't totally hypothetical. Let's say I've had my fair share of heartbreaks.But not anymore. I've cracked the code.I know how to achieve the same effect as Mr. Drug Dealer, without actually dealing drugs.I always communicate, to my women that I am the prize, and that I expect them to do more than just look cute if they want my attention.I never ask for their approval, or treat being in bed as a trophy to obtain. I'm the trophy.If you don't do this, all your relationships will either be shortlived, or you'll simply get cheated on.You deserve the royal treatment. So learn to act like a king.