Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

Cut Roses Varieties

    Care of Cut Roses

    • To prolong the life of cut roses, change the water every two to three days. Remove any dropped petals or leaves from the water, which promotes decay. Adding a packaged cut flower additive to the water gives roses important nutrients. Lightly spray cut roses with water every two days to keep the blooms from drying out.

    Dick Clark

    • The 2011 All-American Rose Selection winner, Dick Clark has large blooms that grow up to 5 inches wide. A tall rose bush, 3 to 6 feet, its flowers have cherry pink petals with cream-color edges. The flowers deepen to burgundy as they mature. This rose consists of about 30 petals with a spicy aroma instead of a traditional rose scent. Resilient to many diseases including black spots, the rose's long stem with shiny foliage is well suited for countless floral displays.

    Pink Promise

    • In 2009, the National Breast Cancer Foundation chose Pink Promise as its official rose to symbolize hope. Long-stemmed with large, wide blooms, about 4 inches, it is an ideal cutting rose. An intense aroma that is similar to fruit, its almost perfectly round shape adds symmetry to any bouquet. A hardy rose, the Pink Promise grows well with little maintenance in most climates and soil types.

    Grand Gala

    • The Grand Gala, a hybrid tea rose developed in 1954, remains one of the most commonly used red roses in arrangements. Its large, high-centered blooms grow more than 6 inches wide. With few thorns on its long stems and a cluster of about 25 petals per bloom, it towers over other flowers in a bouquet. A Grand Gala is known for its solid, dark red color and is often called the queen of roses.


    • A blend of vivid yellow petals with red edges, the Konfetti can stand alone or complement a bouquet. Its asymmetrical star-shape, unusual for a rose, adds a design twist to many floral arrangements. An average bloom grows 5 inches wide and has 30 to 36 petals. Desired for its extreme length, a Konfetti rose ranges from 18 to 27 inches long. It is an excellent cutting rose that lasts for about eight days.

    New Day

    • New Day's medium length stems and smaller blooms look best in shorter vases. Fully opened, the butter yellow cup-shaped roses grow up to 4 inches with about 20 petals. An uncommon feature is the large, light green leaves with a gray tint on the edges. It prefers warmer climates where it grows well in gardens and containers. This rose's strong, citrus fragrance can dominate a room with only a few flowers.

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