Health & Medical Mental Health

Hallelujah PTSD Lyrics Packed Its Bags And Left Me

Music makes the heart bring to mind what it feels, you see.
An artist creates the words that rhyme, and then adds notes of what will be.

The point is that what is hidden deep within is drawn out.
With PTSD it is negative emotions' lyrics that flow with thoughts of doubt.

Time to surface is dependent on how deep the trauma has dug in.
For many, like myself, 10 years goes by before €spilling out€ will begin.

Only medical staff, and those who carry carved heart wounds will understand.
Then again, the Creator knows this (just as he knows the measure of sand.)

One particular song sung just opens up my heart, mind, and soul like a can.
€Hallelujah€ has been mimicked from the original, thought provoking man.

Even a woman (who dresses like one) grasped and groaned with feelings found.
Her initials are K.D. whose own inner carvings came out in musical sound.

This song pounds like mighty waves upon the soul that is made to shed.
Beauty replaces any pain of the past and dread held so long in the head.

It played in perfect timing for me in letting go and moving on recently.
The experience was likened to Lazarus raised from the dead and Reiki.

Both required emotions deeply drawn and mixed with faith to activate.
This is a miraculous tip to follow, when we refrain from thoughts that negate.

The key to successful affirmations that manifest is in this harvest of sensation.
Knowing what to say, to counteract crying from the past, comes with contemplation.

Making PTSD leave us alone comes only from connecting to the ultimate Creator.
Christ is the mindset to bind with and overcome any darkened thought navigator.

Healing of any kind is a proliferating, spiritual experience of releasing extra energy.
Connecting to our Higher Self will trigger what we need our health to be.

Without this faith and spiritual intervention we will be prey for medical convention.
Then the power we have to heal ourselves is at the mercy of pass© intervention.

Trusting in the power of being in the Source of life and light is required.
Hopefully, we start the path of enlightenment that heals, before we are expired.

Being grateful for what we have and starting on a new path is a trigger, too.
Giving up old grudges will lighten our way and keep away what made us blue!

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