Physical Milestones For Babies
Many parents considers it a blessing ever day they awake to find their babies happy and well and due to this, their arms do not have to be twist, to be convince that every milestone that their children reaches, is a wonderful achievement.
Indeed, these are wonderful times and they should be acknowledged.
A milestone in a baby's life can be defined as a point in time when something very important happens.
As a parent, you can look forward to several important physical developments from your child, however every child will develop at his/her own schedule.
Sitting Sometimes a child can do an activity that we as parents have been eagerly looking forward to, but because the accomplishment was so subtle, we missed it.
Then one day, it suddenly hits us, "hey, look, (Jean or John) is holding up his/her head all by himself," and we begin to celebrate.
This could be the case with sitting because it has two stages.
The first stage takes place when you're able to position the child in the sitting position, but, with you supporting him/her and this usually takes place around 4-5 months old.
Then, anywhere between 6 -8 months, they will sit unaided.
Crawling When it comes to crawling, it all depends on you baby's version of it.
They can move using their knees and hands at the same time, or move with their bottoms, while using their hands for support, or on their bellies.
This is an exciting event, not only for the infant who will be making good use of his/her new "talent," but also for you as parents.
However, some children skip the crawling stage and jump right into walking and this using occurs between 7 - 10 months.
Standing About 9 - 10 months, they may be standing, unaided, preparing to walk and I guess that it goes without saying that balancing is no easy feat.
These are amazing times, enjoy them.
Indeed, these are wonderful times and they should be acknowledged.
A milestone in a baby's life can be defined as a point in time when something very important happens.
As a parent, you can look forward to several important physical developments from your child, however every child will develop at his/her own schedule.
Sitting Sometimes a child can do an activity that we as parents have been eagerly looking forward to, but because the accomplishment was so subtle, we missed it.
Then one day, it suddenly hits us, "hey, look, (Jean or John) is holding up his/her head all by himself," and we begin to celebrate.
This could be the case with sitting because it has two stages.
The first stage takes place when you're able to position the child in the sitting position, but, with you supporting him/her and this usually takes place around 4-5 months old.
Then, anywhere between 6 -8 months, they will sit unaided.
Crawling When it comes to crawling, it all depends on you baby's version of it.
They can move using their knees and hands at the same time, or move with their bottoms, while using their hands for support, or on their bellies.
This is an exciting event, not only for the infant who will be making good use of his/her new "talent," but also for you as parents.
However, some children skip the crawling stage and jump right into walking and this using occurs between 7 - 10 months.
Standing About 9 - 10 months, they may be standing, unaided, preparing to walk and I guess that it goes without saying that balancing is no easy feat.
These are amazing times, enjoy them.