Cars & Vehicles Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs

DIY: Headlight Lens on a 1999 Dodge Caravan

    • 1). Raise the hood of your Caravan. Remove the bolt securing the assembly to the cross bar in the engine compartment with a wrench.

    • 2). Remove the two nuts on the radiator panel with a wrench. Pull the headlight assembly forward toward the front of the truck. Disconnect the wiring harness on the rear of the light by pulling it straight back. Remove the headlight from the front of the van.

    • 3). Insert the new headlight unit into the front of the van. Connect the electrical wiring harness to the plug on the rear of the light assembly by pressing the connector together.

    • 4). Replace the nuts on the radiator panel and tighten them with a wrench. Install the bolt on the cross member and tighten it with a wrench. Repeat the process on the opposite side if needed.

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