Family & Relationships Conflict

How Do I Get My Ex Boyfriend Back Without Appearing Desperate? Ways to Get Him Back!

You're growing to miss your ex boyfriend more and more every day. And at the moment you are even asking yourself €" how do I get my ex boyfriend back. The break up may have sounded like a good thing initially, heck, it may have even been your idea, however at the moment you are having second thoughts.

Relationship breaks up all the time. And more often than not each side in secret hopes the other is going to back down or at least call them back after the short break up, and usually, unfortunately, each side is too afraid to give in for the reason that they are afraid they are going to look desperate.

Well there is a solution.

Stop thinking short term! If you approached your boyfriend today and right away asked him if he wanted to reconcile with you and he replied no, do you think that made you appear desperate? Look, in the long term you'll be so happy you at least tried to reconnect with someone that made you happy, but in the short term it may have hurt your feelings.

Here's a much more easy way. Find what attracted you both to each other at beginning of your relationship. Once you find out those things, ask yourself if you still have those characters, and do your boyfriend? Can you get these qualities back if you don't?

Now you have something that is going to get the attention of your boyfriend. You know what made him happy and you know what ingredients made you happy.

Make your first move and call your ex boyfriend and tell him that you have been thinking about break up and what was said and even make an apology for some of the bad statements you may have made to him at that point in time.

Ask him if he ever wanted the break up. The usual reply is that they do. Then let him know about the nice times you both shared and just ask if he will like to give it another try. This doesn't sound like someone who is desperate.

Look, if he says yes, then you may have won back your happiness. If he says no, that's fine. Wish him well and tell him to keep in touch. That alone will confuse him. Either way, you are going to be happy you made an effort.

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