Health & Medical Lose Weight

Green Tea Weight Loss Diet - Fasting For Weight loss

If you need to immediately lose weight fasting is one of the quickest ways to do it. Because your not taking in many calories the only thing you can do is lose weight because every time you move you'll burn more calories off then you replenish.

Fasting is good for quick weight loss, but if you need to lose a significant amount of weight fasting isn't a healthy alternative for a good diet and steady exercise. In fact if your looking to lose weight you should consider going on a healthy diet before taking an extreme measure such as fasting. Unless fasting is a requirement for your beliefs/religion that your partaking in. In that case if your also fasting to lose weight, for your fasting diet to be effective you have to remember not to pig out once you get off of the diet.

A common practice for fasting participants after a fasting period is finished is to have a giant feast in celebration of a successful fasting period. You can throw a feast and enjoy yourself once, but you shouldn't be feasting on all of the fatty foods and junk food that you enjoy for weeks and days after your fasting period is over. If you do that you will probably gain more weight then you lost.

To effectively lose weight and maintain your weight loss you need to cutback on your calorie intake and start exercising on a regular basis. If you "don't have" time for exercise, cutting back on your calorie intake will be sufficient enough for you to lose a little bit of weight. But to truly burn calories you need to exercise three to five times a week.

If your not in shape at all and never exercise, a light 1-1.5 mile walk will help you burn lots of calories and decrease your weight over time. And because it will become easier over time it will be easier to do, so you will be able to do it for along time and keep your new weight. If you want to get into even better shape, you can do strength training exercise(lifting weights, push-ups, etc...) or you can add aerobics into your fitness routine.

If you want to learn about an effective diet that will help you lose weight quickly and keep it of visit -

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