Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Social Networking For Dental Jobs? How Dental Recruitment Is Changing

For many years now there has been a real problem as far as recruiting for dental jobs in the UK is concerned. With the number of practices still continuing to increase, and the number of dental jobs growing, it would seem at first glance that there wouldn't be any particular problem with filling them. After all, as the number of practices and available positions is growing, so is the number of people who are training as dentists, dental assistants, dental nurses and such like.

Overall the numbers of those coming out of training and looking for dental jobs is climbing just as steadily as they number of dental vacancies being created. It would seem that there wouldn't be much of a problem, but this assumption is the very root cause of the fact that there is a problem. Because for too many years it has been assumed by so many people that the current system works, that the number of vacancies and the number of those coming out of training are roughly in line with each other and that the industry is managing. Yet scratch beneath the surface and those assumptions start to crumble quite quickly.

In fact there are a number of very real problems which have been plaguing dental practices for some time, and it's not just the practices themselves either which have been suffering under the current system. Many of those looking for their first dental job, or who are looking at moving on from their existing position to another have been finding the process to be hard, unnecessarily complicated, very time consuming, slow, inefficient, ineffective and not always terribly successful.

On top of this many dental practices are resenting the fact that they have to pay such extortionately high agency fees, since the only real way of recruiting new professionals is to promote and advertise through dental recruitment agencies. Dental recruitment fees can often amount to several thousand pounds in a year, which can directly impact on the level of service provided to patients, as this money could otherwise be spent on new equipment for the surgery in many cases.

But whilst it is easy to criticise the current system it has been hard to see just how it could be improved. With so many of those people who could generate an improved system simply assuming that the current system is working fine, and with those already trapped within the system unable to see an effective alternative, the situation has been creaking on for many years.

But there is good news, because as the internet grows ever more stable, fast, reliable, secure and more interconnected than ever before there are new opportunities within a whole range of industries besides dentistry to improve the system of recruitment. Dental recruitment has recently been able to explore a new idea too, based on the concept of social networking. It has been clear for some time that social networking has generated a wealth of ideas, concepts and principles which can be utilised to create a new dental recruitment system which will perhaps eventually replace the current system of using dental recruitment agencies as middlemen.

The new system provides the opportunity for dental surgeries to advertise their dental jobs for free, as well as play a more active role in seeking out potential dental professionals who may be suitable for the position. Dental professionals too are seeing a difference, able to more actively hunt down available positions, as well as promote themselves in a way that's more likely to get them found. Social networking for dentistry looks set to be the biggest shake up of the dental recruitment sector for many years.

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