Natural Treatment For Hemorrhoid Relief
I'd like to discuss relief for approximately 40% of adults who suffer from hemorrhoids, however, there are some simple solutions to treat it.
Hemorrhoids or piles are essentially any form of vein inflammation around the lower rectal/anal region.
This is not a subject too many folks like to talk about, but most adults have it or will deal with it at some time or another in their lives.
When you wipe yourself after going to the bathroom do you find blood on your toilet paper? Does you anus itch you? Do you strain during a bowel movement or when you have constipation? Most likely these are signs that you may have hemorrhoids and it's nothing to laugh at - because although it's pretty common, they can be annoying and embarrassing.
Increased straining during bowel movements, by constipation or diarrhea, may lead to hemorrhoids.
Also obesity can be a factor due to increasing rectal vein pressure.
Sitting for a long time can cause hemorrhoids not to mention poor muscle tone or posture can lead to excessive pressure on the rectal veins.
Not drinking enough water can cause a hard stool, or even chronic constipation, which in turn can lead to hemorrhoidal irritation.
An excess of lactic acid in your stools, a product of excessive consumption of dairy products like cheese, milk etc can cause irritation; cutting back on these diary products can bring relief.
Also a vitamin E deficiency is also a common cause.
When it gets more severe, hemorrhoids can fall out like a lump outside your bottom.
So let's see what some common wrong choices people make which cause them to develop hemorrhoids? Even if you have these already, try to follow the 3 tips below so you can start getting some relief from the problem gradually.
Tip #1: Having a Sedentary Lifestyle When you sit for long periods of time, you are creating additional pressure on your bottom area which creates a perfect environment for a hemorrhoid to develop especially if combined with the pressure of constipation or pregnancy (in women).
The answer is to get up and walk around after sitting over 1 hour at a time, plus remember to do stretches that promote healthy blood flow.
Exercising, practicing better posture, and reducing bowel movement strain and time are really important to offsetting a sedentary lifestyle.
Tip #2: Eating an Abundance of Processed Food This can be a hard for some people.
However, it's a fact that processed foods create hard stools and digestion problems which in turn creates constipation and other issues which can lead to hemorrhoids.
The point is when you are suffering and trying to cure hemorrhoids, you really need to decrease your intake of processed foods.
Prevention of hemorrhoids includes drinking more fluids, eating more dietary fiber (such as fruits, vegetables and cereals high in fiber), Tip #3: Excessive Use of Medicines and Creams This creates the same problem as processed foods.
Are you aware of the fact that many of the fiber supplements have processed and artificial elements that can possibly create side effects elsewhere not to mention they're not even dealing with the hemorrhoid problem.
The other disadvantage of these creams is that they're just a bandage in dealing with the problem and not really dealing with the root cause not to mention that hemorrhoids can get worse over time if not dealt with properly.
So be conscious of these 3 tips which are very important and can cause your hemorrhoids to become a greater problem than they already are.
It's really critical to understand these tips in our fast paced lifestyle of sedentary type work and processed, convenient fast food diets.
Hemorrhoids or piles are essentially any form of vein inflammation around the lower rectal/anal region.
This is not a subject too many folks like to talk about, but most adults have it or will deal with it at some time or another in their lives.
When you wipe yourself after going to the bathroom do you find blood on your toilet paper? Does you anus itch you? Do you strain during a bowel movement or when you have constipation? Most likely these are signs that you may have hemorrhoids and it's nothing to laugh at - because although it's pretty common, they can be annoying and embarrassing.
Increased straining during bowel movements, by constipation or diarrhea, may lead to hemorrhoids.
Also obesity can be a factor due to increasing rectal vein pressure.
Sitting for a long time can cause hemorrhoids not to mention poor muscle tone or posture can lead to excessive pressure on the rectal veins.
Not drinking enough water can cause a hard stool, or even chronic constipation, which in turn can lead to hemorrhoidal irritation.
An excess of lactic acid in your stools, a product of excessive consumption of dairy products like cheese, milk etc can cause irritation; cutting back on these diary products can bring relief.
Also a vitamin E deficiency is also a common cause.
When it gets more severe, hemorrhoids can fall out like a lump outside your bottom.
So let's see what some common wrong choices people make which cause them to develop hemorrhoids? Even if you have these already, try to follow the 3 tips below so you can start getting some relief from the problem gradually.
Tip #1: Having a Sedentary Lifestyle When you sit for long periods of time, you are creating additional pressure on your bottom area which creates a perfect environment for a hemorrhoid to develop especially if combined with the pressure of constipation or pregnancy (in women).
The answer is to get up and walk around after sitting over 1 hour at a time, plus remember to do stretches that promote healthy blood flow.
Exercising, practicing better posture, and reducing bowel movement strain and time are really important to offsetting a sedentary lifestyle.
Tip #2: Eating an Abundance of Processed Food This can be a hard for some people.
However, it's a fact that processed foods create hard stools and digestion problems which in turn creates constipation and other issues which can lead to hemorrhoids.
The point is when you are suffering and trying to cure hemorrhoids, you really need to decrease your intake of processed foods.
Prevention of hemorrhoids includes drinking more fluids, eating more dietary fiber (such as fruits, vegetables and cereals high in fiber), Tip #3: Excessive Use of Medicines and Creams This creates the same problem as processed foods.
Are you aware of the fact that many of the fiber supplements have processed and artificial elements that can possibly create side effects elsewhere not to mention they're not even dealing with the hemorrhoid problem.
The other disadvantage of these creams is that they're just a bandage in dealing with the problem and not really dealing with the root cause not to mention that hemorrhoids can get worse over time if not dealt with properly.
So be conscious of these 3 tips which are very important and can cause your hemorrhoids to become a greater problem than they already are.
It's really critical to understand these tips in our fast paced lifestyle of sedentary type work and processed, convenient fast food diets.