Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Tips to Article Marketing - How to Utilise Article Marketing

If you are writing and submitting articles online there are two specific methods in which you can utilise them to your benefit.
Both these methods will worth on important aspects of your list building.
#1- Firstly you can use articles to generate traffic to your website by submitting them to the highest-traffic articles directories.
#2 - Secondly you can use articles to generate back links to your site.
To achieve this you should submit articles to a massive number of directories.
You must create a plan of action for each of these two methods as one will generate traffic almost immediately and the other will generate traffic only in the long term and it is important that you aim for both these results if you want to succeed online.
You see if you are looking to generate quality traffic then you need to find a list of article directories with a page rank of 5 or more.
If you are looking to create back links then you just need to find as big a list of article directories as you can, say 100, and submit your articles to that list on a regular basis.
What you could do to maximise your time is to create several articles and submit them all to the traffic generating directories.
Then take a small number of those articles, say 3 or 4, and submit them to the larger list of directories that you have created.
That way you can kill two birds with one stone.
Use this method for at least four weeks.
In that time you will notice the increase in traffic and over time the increase in your page rank.

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