LDS Girls Camp Help
- The LDS Church provides extensive resources and advice for Girls Camp at The church recommends in all aspects of planning to keep in mind the goals of camp: "draw closer to Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ," "feel the influence of the Spirit," "serve others," "build friendship and unity," "learn skills," "appreciate God's creations," and, lastly, "have fun."
- The LDS Church offers six general pieces of advice to Young Women leaders preparing for camp: prepare spiritually, seek priesthood leaders' direction, determine camp purpose, select camp theme, plan logistics and research certification.
- LDS Young Women Camp is usually held at a church-owned outdoor property during a warmer time of year, late spring and summer, and does not conflict with typical school year schedules. The LDS Church's Handbook of Instructions says the location should be, "A safe place set apart from the world--in nature, if possible."
- Although optional, it might help in planning if leaders choose a theme for LDS Young Women Camp. Many LDS-themed websites have possible themes, although the church typically encourages leaders to select one appropriate for their group of young women. "A theme provides a focus for camp. A theme may be: a scripture, a statement from a prophet, a hymn, or the Young Women theme or the current mutual theme," says The website's themes include "The 10 Virgins," "Angels Among Us," "S.O.S. or Source of Strength," and "United We Stand."
- LDS young women who attend Girls Camp usually earn two kinds of awards--official certifications and awards bestowed for achieving camping goals; and unofficial fun awards, created and given by leaders, such as "Happy Camper," "Busy Beaver" and "Camp Comedian." The LDS Church's Young Women Camp Manual says "it is important for young women to receive recognition for their accomplishments." Campers who complete a certification level receive a "Young Women Camp Recognition" certificate. Fun awards given at Girls Camp could go along with the camp's theme. For example, for the theme "Angels Among Us," each award recipient could receive an "Angel of ..." award, like "Angel of Cleanliness" or "Angel of Fun," according to