What Every Woman Ought to Know About Morning Sickness
Every pregnant woman knows that morning sickness will probably creep up on them soon.
But, knowing turns to doubt very quickly when there are symptoms that don't seem to be part of normal morning sickness or when it feels much worse than what you had anticipated.
I say this over and over again (as you'll know from visiting my Morning Sickness Companion website) that every woman is so different in terms of what she feels during pregnancy.
Even women that have been pregnant multiple times will say that each pregnancy was slightly different.
So, if you are feeling concerned, call your care provider.
They will be able to make you feel better and dig deeper into your symptoms if necessary.
Here are some typical issues that you'll see: · vomiting · tiredness · loss of appetite · headaches · mood swings · hyper-sensitivity to smells and tastes No matter how many pregnancies you have experienced, those nagging questions may still come up in your mind as you go through pregnancy.
This is totally normal and you deserve an answer to every question that comes up in your mind.
· Is morning sickness normal? YES!!! I know many women (including myself) that wish it were not normal, but statistics show that somewhere between 50% and 80% of pregnant women will experience this to some degree.
· When does it start? Again, this one is going to be different for everyone.
A good ballpark figure would be right around six or seven weeks - but some women feel it earlier, some later.
· Is it normal to have it through the whole pregnancy? It certainly can be! Lots of women will feel a certain degree of normal sickness throughout their entire pregnancy.
And, for other women, they may have it in the first three months, get a little reprieve for a few months and then have it again in the last trimester.
Did you know that studies have shown that the worse a woman feels at this point in her pregnancy, the more likely she is to deliver a healthy, full-term baby? This certainly isn't to say that you can't have one without the other! Women with no sick feelings at all give birth to happy babies everyday.
But, by and large, if you feel awful, especially at the beginning of your pregnancy, your baby is going to be just fine! The vast majority of women who experience any sickness will have what doctors would call normal morning sickness.
Sometimes though, normal can progress to severe very rapidly.
Here are some warning signs to watch out for: · Losing 5% or more of your pre-pregnant body weight · Constant vomiting to the point of not being able to keep down any food or fluids · Frequent headaches · Dark colored urine · Uterine contractions Read more about severe signs of morning sickness.
Be on the lookout for these signs and stay in touch with your care provider.
One phone call can make a world of difference for you and your baby.
But, knowing turns to doubt very quickly when there are symptoms that don't seem to be part of normal morning sickness or when it feels much worse than what you had anticipated.
I say this over and over again (as you'll know from visiting my Morning Sickness Companion website) that every woman is so different in terms of what she feels during pregnancy.
Even women that have been pregnant multiple times will say that each pregnancy was slightly different.
So, if you are feeling concerned, call your care provider.
They will be able to make you feel better and dig deeper into your symptoms if necessary.
Here are some typical issues that you'll see: · vomiting · tiredness · loss of appetite · headaches · mood swings · hyper-sensitivity to smells and tastes No matter how many pregnancies you have experienced, those nagging questions may still come up in your mind as you go through pregnancy.
This is totally normal and you deserve an answer to every question that comes up in your mind.
· Is morning sickness normal? YES!!! I know many women (including myself) that wish it were not normal, but statistics show that somewhere between 50% and 80% of pregnant women will experience this to some degree.
· When does it start? Again, this one is going to be different for everyone.
A good ballpark figure would be right around six or seven weeks - but some women feel it earlier, some later.
· Is it normal to have it through the whole pregnancy? It certainly can be! Lots of women will feel a certain degree of normal sickness throughout their entire pregnancy.
And, for other women, they may have it in the first three months, get a little reprieve for a few months and then have it again in the last trimester.
Did you know that studies have shown that the worse a woman feels at this point in her pregnancy, the more likely she is to deliver a healthy, full-term baby? This certainly isn't to say that you can't have one without the other! Women with no sick feelings at all give birth to happy babies everyday.
But, by and large, if you feel awful, especially at the beginning of your pregnancy, your baby is going to be just fine! The vast majority of women who experience any sickness will have what doctors would call normal morning sickness.
Sometimes though, normal can progress to severe very rapidly.
Here are some warning signs to watch out for: · Losing 5% or more of your pre-pregnant body weight · Constant vomiting to the point of not being able to keep down any food or fluids · Frequent headaches · Dark colored urine · Uterine contractions Read more about severe signs of morning sickness.
Be on the lookout for these signs and stay in touch with your care provider.
One phone call can make a world of difference for you and your baby.