Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Naturally Shrink Hemorrhoids - Formula Revealed!

Your burning and embarrassing hemorrhoids have you searching for solutions.
If you are looking for ways to shrink hemorrhoids naturally, this article outlines some steps you can take and how to continue to prevent hemorrhoids from recurring.
Differing Degrees There are different degrees of hemorrhoids.
They vary from first degree that bleed but do not protrude, all the way to fourth degree where the tissue has strangulated and is not able to be manually replaced into the anal canal.
In between are those hemorrhoids that protrude during bowel movements and draw back in.
Available Treatments There are many over the counter creams, suppositories, and pads that are available without a doctor's prescription that you can use to ease the burning and inflammation associated with hemorrhoids.
Natural topical treatments include witch hazel and aloe vera.
Sitz baths, using wet towelettes instead of tissue and using ice packs with possible are other home treatments you can employ.
DIY not an Option You must go to your doctor immediately if you have severe anal bleeding, black or bloody stools, dizziness and/or a fainting sensation.
It may not be hemorrhoids and you want your doctor to determine what it is.
Prevention Matters Maintaining a soft stool should be a priority for you.
a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil before meals will naturally soften your stool.
Do not sit on the toilet to read or relax -- you do not want to prolong your bowel movements and add pressure to this area.
You should be eating more fruits and vegetables as processed foods contribute negatively to hemorrhoids.
Stopping Hemorrhoids It doesn't make sense to treat your hemorrhoids when you don't know what caused them in the first place.
You need to know the root of your hemorrhoids, so you can eliminate that and get rid of your hemorrhoids for good.

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