Health & Medical Self-Improvement

"Tis the Season to Feel Empty

'Tis the season to feel empty...
fa, la, la, la, la.
What? No Linda, it's "to be jolly.
" Christmas music and decorations start appearing in October.
Everyone is talking about their shopping lists.
We are invited to participate in cookie exchanges, parties and holiday shows and concerts.
So why are so many of us not just unhappy but dreading the holiday season? There are a variety of reasons for not feeling jolly.
I believe that one of them is something Brené Brown talks about in her book Daring Greatly.
It is Scarcity, the "never enough" problem.
Ms Brown: Scarcity thrives in a culture where everyone is hyperaware of lack...
We spend inordinate amounts of time calculating how much we have, want and don't have, and how much everyone else has, needs, and wants.
As a Life Coach, I have people tell me all the time, that they never have enough time, resources, options, talents and strength.
We work together to identify time, resources, options, talents and strengths, because we all have them.
Sometimes we are just not looking in the right places.
This time of year, more than ever, we are bombarded with advertising and social media telling us just what we need to make us feel good.
And we look around and think that most other people have more money to spend and time to plan then we do.
If you generally operate from a position of "not enough," you are already positioned to "opt out" or just plain feel miserable during the holidays.
In recent blog posts, I offered advice on developing a Brave Heart.
And it takes one to make significant change in your life and how you think and therefore feel.
Developing a Brave Heart is done over time and in increments.
Why not start now? I suggest adding another action for the letter V in Brave.
Volunteer!! This Christmas, give yourself the gift that keeps on giving.
Volunteer! Several years ago, I was offered a position that completely changed my career path and life direction.
The volunteer work I was doing at the time was a significant factor in getting that job.
The benefits of volunteering are bountiful, both for you and the recipient.
Get out of your head and into your heart and you may experience a shift from "not enough" to "I'm really okay" or even "my cup overflows.
" Learn to give what you need and you may find you have more than enough.

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