Why is it That Entrepreneurs Thrive in a Recession?
During our economies history it has always been noted that entrepreneurs find the opportunity to thrive.
They are the force that leads the way out of the recession, uprighting the ship so to speak.
There are a few reasons why I believe this happens.
Entrepreneurs are smaller entities, they are more fluid and able to adjust quicker to the changes around them.
They can adapt and overcome the financial pitfalls before they are into deep and are quicker to take advantage of certain opportunities that arise during the recession as well.
Often they will learn to leverage what they already have instead of waiting for the economy to turn around or waiting for someone to figure out a way to push forward.
Whenever ever you meet an entrepreneur one of the easiest things to notice about them is how positive they are.
They still believe the American Dream is still alive, they are constantly pushing forward, and I am sure most of the time they do not waste their time listening or reading to the doom and gloom that the media consistently reports on.
The media does this to sell their news, because no one hardly ever buys or pays attention to good news.
The entrepreneur sees the silver lining, and maintains that the glass is still half full.
Sure they feel the affects of the economy as well, but they do not let it slow them down.
They empower themselves to learn more and find another door of opportunity.
They are not waiting for the promised hand-outs or others to fix their problems, they are the problem solvers, the inventors, the innovators.
At this point now, is probably the best time in history for entrepreneurs and the recession due to the advent and strength of the internet and social media.
No longer is it a few entrepreneurs trudging forward alone leading the way.
Now many entrepreneurs are coming together through ease of connection and networking to continually support, mentor and inspire one another.
The amount today of people helping others to realize their dreams and goals, without expectations of personal gain, is amazing.
This is probably why you see so many people now looking to work from home if at least in a part time venue.
All that positive force can be contagious.
The next large and successful company is coming our way in-spite of the recession, because those individuals will not give up and allow some bad news to stop them.
I myself look forward to the next Apple or Fed Ex, companies that themselves were birthed in a recession.
They are the force that leads the way out of the recession, uprighting the ship so to speak.
There are a few reasons why I believe this happens.
Entrepreneurs are smaller entities, they are more fluid and able to adjust quicker to the changes around them.
They can adapt and overcome the financial pitfalls before they are into deep and are quicker to take advantage of certain opportunities that arise during the recession as well.
Often they will learn to leverage what they already have instead of waiting for the economy to turn around or waiting for someone to figure out a way to push forward.
Whenever ever you meet an entrepreneur one of the easiest things to notice about them is how positive they are.
They still believe the American Dream is still alive, they are constantly pushing forward, and I am sure most of the time they do not waste their time listening or reading to the doom and gloom that the media consistently reports on.
The media does this to sell their news, because no one hardly ever buys or pays attention to good news.
The entrepreneur sees the silver lining, and maintains that the glass is still half full.
Sure they feel the affects of the economy as well, but they do not let it slow them down.
They empower themselves to learn more and find another door of opportunity.
They are not waiting for the promised hand-outs or others to fix their problems, they are the problem solvers, the inventors, the innovators.
At this point now, is probably the best time in history for entrepreneurs and the recession due to the advent and strength of the internet and social media.
No longer is it a few entrepreneurs trudging forward alone leading the way.
Now many entrepreneurs are coming together through ease of connection and networking to continually support, mentor and inspire one another.
The amount today of people helping others to realize their dreams and goals, without expectations of personal gain, is amazing.
This is probably why you see so many people now looking to work from home if at least in a part time venue.
All that positive force can be contagious.
The next large and successful company is coming our way in-spite of the recession, because those individuals will not give up and allow some bad news to stop them.
I myself look forward to the next Apple or Fed Ex, companies that themselves were birthed in a recession.