Travel & Places Outdoors

The Aisle Of Umrah, Procedure And Reward

The spiritual apex of the lives of the Muslims, the performing of Hajj or the Umrah. It is a Divine connection, a source to understand the relation of the man with its Creator, the way to learn about the cause of its creation. By performing the Hajj, annual pilgrimage, the Ummah e Muhammad, peace be upon him, assures that they had fulfilled the fifth basic pillar of the Islam, and followed the footsteps of their forefathers, Ibrahim, A.S and the Prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon him. By performing the Umrah, they not only follow the footsteps of their beloved Prophet, peace be upon him, but they also affirm that they are among an Ummah, a nation, that is strong enough and spread all over the world.
Where a flood of whites can see in the days of the Hajj, spread from one corner to the other of the Harram, flowing out of the edges of the House, same like, the streams keep flowing all over the year. These streams are of those who entered in the sacred House covering themselves in the Ahram, to undertake the Umrah. The Pilgrim, the Muslims, tried to reach the House whenever it is possible for them, for what, they if fail to reach in the days of the Hajj, they do not miss the chance to perform the Umrah. The Sacred House, the Kaaba, is the only place on the whole earth, which welcomes the guest in such a huge quantity and amount.
The Muslims in hundreds and thousands, almost on a daily routine, visits the House only with the intention of the Umrah. Umrah is a set practice of the beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, which the Muslims undertake in his love and devotion for the Allah. The international airport of the United Arab Emirates, receive hundreds of the pilgrims coming from all the four corners of the world. The economy of the sacred cities, rising by each day high than higher due to these holy guests.
While entering in the limits of the Meeqat, the Pilgrim started to show their identity by the way of their Ahram. The Ahram, the uniform to enter into the House of Allah, is just a shadow of the cerement of the Dead Muslims. The pilgrim comes to perform the Umrah, is just ready to face the Allah right in a way as he/ she have to face after his/ her death.
With each step ahead, the pilgrim keeps reciting, keep seeking, keep begging for the mercy, for the forgiveness, for the generosity and for the blessings of their Creator. As the Muslims have faith in the words of the Allah, as said in the Quran, that Allah has promised to forgive all those sins, for which the men is seeking His forgiveness. It is the promise of that Al-Rehman Al-Raheem, (merciful) that none of his slaves would be turned with empty hands of His Court. Each of the steps of the Muslim, raised in the way of the Allah, with the hope of forgiveness and with the true repentance of his sins by heart, can never be turned back without getting the refuge from the Almighty. The glory of the Allah, Almighty, cannot be told in the words, Umrah has been just a key, a path for the Muslims to get closer to the Allah, for getting a place in the Jannah, which Allah had promised to His believers

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