Health & Medical Acne

5 Tips For Getting Rid Of Acne

Drink water: Drinking water is going to keep your skin hydrated and elastic.
Better than just drinking water is to drink lemon water.
Lemon water helps to stimulate and detoxify the liver and expel fat deposits.
It also helps your body to produce more enzymes in the liver to help with detoxification.
In order to survive acne causing bacteria need specific conditions to breed, those are areas with low oxygen and high acid levels.
The minerals in lemons help offset the acid pockets that can form in our skin.
Eat fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts: Seeds and nuts are rich in Omega 3 oils.
These oils are also found in oily fish like salmon, and in flaxseed oil.
Omega 3 oils are a powerful antioxidant which help the skin remain supple.
If you get tired of just eating fruit, mix it up with fruit smoothies instead of soda.
Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, and Brazil nuts are high in selenium.
Acne has been linked to deficiencies in both of those minerals.
Yogurt: Yogurt contains high concentrations of a good bacteria call Lactobacillus Acidophilus.
This is commonly called a Probiotic.
Probiotic microbes fight against infectious diseases by competing for the food and nutrients acne bacteria require to survive.
Prebiotic foods: Prebiotic foods help re-establish good bacteria in the stomach.
Examples include honey, onions, artichokes and bananas.
Cut down on sugar and other refined carbs: Eating sugars and refined carbs leads to an increase in insulin, which increases hormones, which creates more oils on the skin, which traps more bacteria, which leads to acne.
So cutting these down or out of your diet will reduce your chances of getting bacteria.
Besides sugar, other examples of refined carbs include: white bread, pasta, rice, and flour.
To find more just do an internet search for refined carbs.

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