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Cash in From the Clone Wars!

August 2008 sees the movie release of Star Wars:The Clone Wars.
It's an animated affair, and provides plenty of opportunity for profit, and here are some ways you can do it...
The film has not gone down particularly well with a lot of Star Wars fans.
It's really a film extension of a TV animation, rather than an addition to the film series, but since it *is* a cinema release, it has all the marks of the Star Wars series, and this is the cause of the disappointment.
This could be one way to profit from The Clone Wars, to set up an all encompassing Star Wars website.
You could stock it with any number of merchandise items, the list is huge as you can imagine.
The downside of this model is that you have to set up and maintain the site, and source and hold stock of the products.
A second model might be to use the affiliate route.
With this route you send traffic to sites that are already selling the goods.
It maybe Clone Wars posters, or Clone Wars toys, but once you register with them, any traffic you send is logged as referred by you, and any purchases result in you getting a commission.
The small commissions may put people off, but they can add up to big sums, and remember with this model you have no website to set up, and no stock to buy, it's all done by the other sites.
A third way to profit from The Clone Wars is to provide information.
Film fans in general love information, and Star Wars fans are a great example of this.
You could set up a free blog, either about this film alone, or the whole Star Wars spectrum, and when traffic comes to your blog, you put adverts on it to turn the profit.
So you can see, Star Wars: The Clone Wars can make you money in many different ways.

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