Choosing a Niche for Your First Blog
Choosing a niche for your blog sounds simple enough, right? Well, sometimes it's not as easy as you think.
If you were planning on making a killing by blogging about your personal life, then think again.
To be bluntly honest, most likely no one who doesn't know you personally will give a hoot about a blog centered around your personal life unless you can present it in a consistently humorous fashion.
So, what do you blog about then that will attract readers? There are almost endless possibilities.
For your first blog, I highly recommend picking something that you're passionate about.
Blogging is a long term affair so you'll want to pick a subject that you won't run out of things to talk about.
Running out of things to post on can be the death of a blog and is one of the top 10 reasons why many bloggers fail.
While some subjects are definitely more profitable than others, keeping up a daily posting schedule writing about something that you don't care about or aren't knowledgeable in can be a real killer.
It's also important to pick one subject and stick with it.
This is crucial to attracting interested and loyal readers.
Your niche can be as broad or narrow as you like as long as you know that you won't run out of things to talk about on the subject.
Typically, the more laser targeted your niche is, the easier it is to attract traffic that will convert into sales.
If you were planning on making a killing by blogging about your personal life, then think again.
To be bluntly honest, most likely no one who doesn't know you personally will give a hoot about a blog centered around your personal life unless you can present it in a consistently humorous fashion.
So, what do you blog about then that will attract readers? There are almost endless possibilities.
For your first blog, I highly recommend picking something that you're passionate about.
Blogging is a long term affair so you'll want to pick a subject that you won't run out of things to talk about.
Running out of things to post on can be the death of a blog and is one of the top 10 reasons why many bloggers fail.
While some subjects are definitely more profitable than others, keeping up a daily posting schedule writing about something that you don't care about or aren't knowledgeable in can be a real killer.
It's also important to pick one subject and stick with it.
This is crucial to attracting interested and loyal readers.
Your niche can be as broad or narrow as you like as long as you know that you won't run out of things to talk about on the subject.
Typically, the more laser targeted your niche is, the easier it is to attract traffic that will convert into sales.