Reasons for Infertility
The definition of infertility is the inability to get or stay pregnant after a full year of trying. Women who aged 35 years or older are only considered infertile when trying to get conceive after six months. According to the CDC, in the United States, 10% of women ages between 15 to 44 have difficulties getting pregnant. Perversely to most belief, women is always to problem to infertility. The fact is that only a third of infertility causes are by the women's problem and the same amount is due to men's problem. The rest of the infertility causes are of mixture of both women and men problems or some unknown issues.
Pregnancy itself is actually a very complex process and at any stage – problems can happen. The process of pregnancy starts when a woman ovulate, releasing a healthy egg from her ovaries. Then the egg have to travel through the Fallopian tube and be fertilized by the sperm as travels further toward the uterus. Final process would be for the fertilized egg to be attached securely to the wall of the uterus. Any problem arise during any of these stages would result to infertility.
For men's infertility, it is mainly due to low sperm quality which also known or refers as low sperm count. Sperm that have movement issues and which are improperly shaped are also termed as poor sperm quality. Another reason for men's infertility would be genetics, such as cystic fibrosis. There are also men who suffered from varicocele – it is a condition whereby the veins on the testicles are too big and heating the testicles, which therefore affecting the quality of the sperm produced.
When comes to women's infertility, the causes are of a wider range. Firstly, ovulation is the main cause. As ovulation is the first process, which is for an egg to be available for fertilization. Therefore, this would be the first on the doctor's checklist. Generally, the main ovulation problem is caused by hormone imbalance, called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). This is the primary infertility in female. The other cause related with ovulation would be ovarian insufficiency – this happens when the ovaries stop working usually before the age of 40.
The other minor causes of women's infertility would be of the physical issues involving the uterus and uterine fibroids that are of non-cancerous clumps in the tissue of the uterus. Endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease or surgery may induce Blocked Fallopian tubes which partly to be blame for infertility among women.
Pregnancy itself is actually a very complex process and at any stage – problems can happen. The process of pregnancy starts when a woman ovulate, releasing a healthy egg from her ovaries. Then the egg have to travel through the Fallopian tube and be fertilized by the sperm as travels further toward the uterus. Final process would be for the fertilized egg to be attached securely to the wall of the uterus. Any problem arise during any of these stages would result to infertility.
For men's infertility, it is mainly due to low sperm quality which also known or refers as low sperm count. Sperm that have movement issues and which are improperly shaped are also termed as poor sperm quality. Another reason for men's infertility would be genetics, such as cystic fibrosis. There are also men who suffered from varicocele – it is a condition whereby the veins on the testicles are too big and heating the testicles, which therefore affecting the quality of the sperm produced.
When comes to women's infertility, the causes are of a wider range. Firstly, ovulation is the main cause. As ovulation is the first process, which is for an egg to be available for fertilization. Therefore, this would be the first on the doctor's checklist. Generally, the main ovulation problem is caused by hormone imbalance, called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). This is the primary infertility in female. The other cause related with ovulation would be ovarian insufficiency – this happens when the ovaries stop working usually before the age of 40.
The other minor causes of women's infertility would be of the physical issues involving the uterus and uterine fibroids that are of non-cancerous clumps in the tissue of the uterus. Endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease or surgery may induce Blocked Fallopian tubes which partly to be blame for infertility among women.