Health & Medical Food & Drink

Can Coffee Help Prevent Cavities?

Does the following sound familiar? Brush your teeth after each meal and especially before going to bed.
Clean between your teeth daily with dental floss or inter-dental cleaners.
Eat nutritious and balanced meals.
Limit snacks.
Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and oral examination of your teeth and mouth.
You have heard this before, right? Oh, yes, they are common sense advice for good oral health and a great smile! What happens if you like carbohydrates, rich in sugars and starches, such as breads, cereals, milk, soda, fruits, candy, pretzels, chips, cakes, crackers, and sticky foods that linger in the mouth and whose food debris remains in between the teeth? Quite simply, if you fail to brush your teeth soon after eating these foods, the bacteria, acid, food debris and saliva combine to form plaque.
This is not good.
Plaque clings to the teeth.
The acids in the plaque dissolve the enamel surface of the teeth.
What happens then? The result is holes in the teeth called cavities or "caries.
" Roasted coffee extract possesses "anti-cariogenic" and anti-bacterial qualities against a wide range of micro-organisms harming human teeth.
  • Anti-cariogenic is a term that describes foods that tend to contribute favorably to dental health by discouraging the acid that causes dental caries.
  • Anti-bacterial means anything that destroys bacteria or suppresses their growth or ability to reproduce.
  • The adherence of bacterial cells to the surface of the teeth develops cavities.
  • The act of drinking freshly brewed black coffee interferes with this bacterial adhesion in a natural way which can help prevent cavities.
  • Coffee research studies take place on a very regular basis all over the world.
    They are conducted by private, government and educational organizations using research facilities such as oral, maxillofacial, pathology, and microbiology laboratories.
  • The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, a peer-reviewed publication of the American Chemical Society, the world's largest scientific society, also reports on coffee research findings regularly.
  • The results support the claims about the healthcare benefits from caffeine.
Caffeine has a compound called Trigonelline.
This water-soluble compound gives coffee its aroma and bitter taste.
Trigonelline has both anti-bacterial and anti-adhesive properties that can help prevent dental cavities from forming.
All coffee solutions have these high anti-adhesive properties as a result of both naturally occurring and roasting induced molecules.
However, black coffee is better to help prevent cavities than coffee with milk, cream, sugar and other additives.
The reason is that the sugars and starches in such additives promote the bacteria growth and adhesion that creates cavities.
Of course, the best dental health care is achieved through regular visits to your dentist and daily practice of good teeth brushing and oral hygiene.
However, if drinking black coffee provides some additional cavity prevention, let's benefit from it.
So, go ahead and drink your coffee with a smile! Ready for a cup of gourmet Vienna Roast Espresso?

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