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The White Stripes - White Blood Cells Tab

Although The White Stripesworked in their native Detroit music scene since 1997, it was their 2001 release White Blood Cellswhich caught the eye of critics and rock fans. Aggressive, raw, and often quite bluesy, The White Stripesconsist of only two members, guitarist/vocalist Jack White, and drummer Meg White.

The White Stripes - White Blood Cells (2001)
(visit The White Stripes official Web site)
  1. Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground guitar tab

  1. Hotel Yorba tab
  2. I'm Finding It Harder to Be a Gentleman guitar tab
  3. Fell in Love With a Girl guitar tab
  4. Expecting guitar tab
  5. Little Room
  6. The Union Forever guitar tab
  7. The Same Boy You've Always Known guitar tab
  8. We're Going to Be Friends guitar tab
  9. Offend in Every Way guitar tab
  10. I Think I Smell a Rat guitar tab
  11. Aluminum guitar tab
  12. I Can't Wait guitar tab
  13. Now Mary guitar tab
  14. I Can Learn guitar tab
  15. This Protector guitar tab
  16. Jolene (bonus track)
  17. Hand Springs guitar tab (bonus track)

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