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How to Last Longer in Bed - The Hidden Secret to Lasting Longer in Bed

Let's not waste any time, you need to learn how to last longer and you need that information now! Women will not be pleased by 5 minutes of sexual intercourse, you need to last long enough to satisfy her fully.
I am going to teach you about lasing longer in bed.
The basic idea behind my strategy can be compared to training for a sport.
Sports stars train for years in order to become become better at their sport.
This is also important for for lasting longer in bed.
You probably already knew that so I will be giving you strategies to basically speeding up the process.
You can use this exercise every day for best results.
Make your penis erect and lubricate the head completely.
Take three of your fingers and rhythmically massage the head for as long as you can.
When you think you will ejaculate stop and try to hold it back.
The head is where 90% of your arousal occurs.
If you are not circumcised your penis head is very sensitive to arousal.
When you first start having sex you will notice how quickly you feel extremely aroused.
When teenagers masturbate they usually massage the shaft and neglect the head.
This leaves the head very sensitive.
By massaging the head on a daily basis, you can work to make it less sensitive.
The next time you have intercourse with your girl, you will notice the difference.
Just keep up the exercise and you will notice how much longer you can last.

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