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Signs He"s Just Playing Your Emotions? Here is How to Know If He is Just Not Into You at All

'Remember the film "He's Just Not that Into You"? This movie just cements what has been proven by many studies and surveys - that it's harder to tell when a man actually digs a woman.
Flirting signs are there at the earliest stage of attraction but when is he truly into you? Would you want to be able to tell if he's just playing you? You're a woman, so trust your instincts.
If your gut feel tells you that something is amiss in your relationship, then that's nature signaling all the necessary red flags in your head - heed them! A woman is rarely wrong when her instincts tell her that something is up so better investigate while it's yet early.
Everything to him is in the present tense.
Try talking to him in the future tense with you right smack in the middle of it and he'll surely veer away from the conversation! Steering clear of discussions regarding your future as a couple is a surefire sign that he's just a player.
His affection seems fake.
Again, the gut feel, girl - see if he's just pretending to be sweet.
Is he extra affectionate when other people are around? Then watch him transform as you two go into a private room! How he treats you in public should be the same as how he treats you when there's just the two of you.
Your calls go through to his voice mail.
Most of the time, he's just not home or at least he's pretending to be not home! If he misses your calls a lot of times, then it's time to think hard, girl.
A string of broken promises...
only means that he doesn't care enough for you, for why would anyone constantly make someone unhappy? If he truly cares for you, he will be extra careful in making promises and in keeping them.
He talks AT you not TO you.
When a man looks down on you, then he'll have the tendency to treat you like a doormat or to talk down at you.
This is ultimate disrespect and no man who's truly in love would want to subject a woman into such a cruel treatment.
He's ever-present where sex is involved.
If it's sex you two are talking about, then he's definitely engaged.
But try talking to him about any other topic and he's suddenly uninterested! Also, try suggesting some activities to him and if he only says yes to sexual encounters, then he's definitely playing you.

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