Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Herbs That Help Female Improve Fertility

More and more women are turning to herbs to improve their fertility, to help them conceive.
That is because there are many successfully stories of women getting pregnant with the help of herbs.
Another reason is there is no side effect for most of the herbs, and safe to consume.
If you are on any drug for infertility or other related medical condition, it is important to talk to your health care provider or fertility doctor first before taking any herbs.
They can advised you on what to take and what to avoid, at all cost.
Some of the popular herbs that are known to improve fertility are Dong Quai, Evening Primrose Oil, Red Raspberry leaf, Vitex, Black Cohosh and Flase Unicorn.
Dong Quai helps to tone the body uterus and regulate the hormones.
However, please talk to your health care provider first, because some women benefits when they are on their first half cycle, while some on the 2nd half cycle.
Evening Primrose helps to improve cervical mucus.
However this herbs should not be taken after ovulation in case the women becomes pregnant because this herb causes uterine contractions.
Red Raspberry Leaf makes the uterine lining stronger and make your luteal phase longer.
However, it is best not to consume it throughout the rest of your pregnancy.
Vitex, also known as chaste berry, regulate your hormone and is known to be very effective.
Black cohosh offers significant cramp relieve.
Lastly, flase unicorn improve your fertility rate and relief the pain from ovulation.
If you are trying to get pregnant even after trying very long, do not go out and buy all at the same time.
Instead, research the one that suit you the most.
Always talk to your doctor first regarding the herbs as you do not want any interaction with the prescribed drugs from your doctor.

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