Health & Medical Hypertension

Natural Blood Pressure Remedies & Hypertension Treatment

First, The Causes There are many causes of high blood pressure.
The blood pressure in normal individuals rises about one point each year until the seventh decade and then it usually levels off.
Early in life, women usually have slightly lower blood pressure than men, but after the fourth decade this is reversed.
A wide range of normal pressures exists, but the average pressure for a young adult is considered to be 120/80 mm Hg.
Overeating, which usually results in obesity, contributes to high blood pressure, as does eating the wrong diet, particularly a diet that is high in salt.
High blood pressure would be less common if the liver and kidneys were not burdened with an overabundance of irritating foods.
Some forms of high blood pressure are inherited, in fact in some groups of people this may be the cause in as many as seventy or eighty percent of the cases.
Symptoms Patients with high blood pressure frequently complain of headaches, particularly in the morning, difficulty breathing, dizziness, flushed complexion, and blurred vision.
They may first be seen with symptoms of heart failure or stroke.
In fact, one of the most frequent causes of stroke (cerebrovascular accident) or heart attack (myocardial infarction) is hypertension.
Diet White flour products, cane sugar products, meat, tea, coffee, pepper, vinegar, mustard, pickles, alcohol, and all other stimulating foods and drinks are very harmful and should be omitted from the diet.
Tobacco should also be eliminated, as it is one of the main causes of heart attacks.
A fruit diet for a few days is one of the best things you can take.
The use a simple nourishing diet, get plenty of outdoor exercise, and practice deep breathing.
Herbal Medicine Hyssop: It increases the circulation of the blood and will reduce blood pressure.
It's an excellent blood regulator and is a fine tonic when the system is in a weakened condition.
"Side Effects" It's a great body cleanser.
"Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.
"Psalms 51:7.
Don't use for longer than 2 weeks without a break.
Valerian: Excellent nerve tonic.
Very quieting and soothing.
Relieves palpitation of the heart "Side Effects" Prevents colds and fevers.
Prevents gas and stomach problems.
Red clover: This is very good to regulate blood pressure as it cleans the blood.
"Side Effects" It's a wonderful blood purifier.
Very good for all types of cancers.

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