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Fearless Puppy on American Road Book Review by Todd Rutherford

Doug "Ten" Rose's Fearless Puppy on the American Road is all about the grand adventure of life, and contains about as much fun as can possibly fit in a single book, while containing an amazing amount of psychological depth as well.

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Doug "Ten" Rose's Fearless Puppy on the American Road is all about the grand adventure of life, and contains about as much fun as can possibly fit in a single book, while containing an amazing amount of psychological depth as well. This true story features the authentic voices of both the writer and the many people he meets, and gives insight into a multilayered reality that most of us rarely, if ever, experience. Life is laid bare as truth explodes from every page.

The book begins when Rose, a teenage drug dealer in Brooklyn, New York, runs away to hitchhike around America. Why didn't Rose learn to drive? The author answers, "I've attended eight colleges and universities. I've learned more in other people's cars." His traveling in other people's cars produces incredible encounters in every corner of the nation.

The author's fearlessness transcends his circumstances, time after time. Rose insists on seeing the bright side, whether dodging real-life, gun-toting killers, joining prison inmates who are really actors in a television drama, tripping through recovery from heroin addiction, meeting high lamas of the Tibetan Buddhist faith, meeting Native American wise men and benevolent witches, or enjoying an all-lesbian band playing a rock 'n' roll concert for the deaf.

One of the main themes of Fearless Puppy on the American Road is Heaven, defined by the author as "the frame of mind that allows one to live without self-inflicted misery on Earth." Rose suggests that when the individual has achieved this frame of mind, he or she realizes that much of human suffering is based on artificially manufactured fears that can be reduced or even eliminated.

This psychic travelogue introduces the reader to everything from Canadian race riots to the meditation technique of seeing things as they really are, and achieving peace and clarity. Rose's clear descriptions of how to transcend the ordinary, fear-based life are eye-openers-a window into brushing the dirt off the human soul.

Along the way, Rose found time to head up charitable projects that raised funds and awareness for famine relief, environmental issues, the homeless in America, and an orphanage in Mexico. These projects are documented at the end of the book as well as at All profits from Fearless Puppy itself will sponsor wisdom professionals, beginning with, but not exclusive to, Tibetan monks and nuns.

Some readers may buy this book as a contribution to a worthy cause. You will be rewarded for your generosity, as Fearless Puppy on the American Road is a must-read page-turner that never fails to entertain with meaning and purpose. Enjoy the ride-but you'd better fasten your seat belt.

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