Taking That Hurt and Itch Out Using a Hemorrhoids Remedy
Are you searching for a hemorrhoid remedy or a piles treatment that is totally natural? Are you looking for something that is not going to break the bank? Before getting started, you should know that two types of hemorrhoids exist - internal and external.
The external ones cause the pain and itching.
Hemorrhoid Symptoms If you wonder whether hemorrhoids are your problem, here are the symptoms they cause: * Painful bowel movements, particularly if you must strain * Itching * Mucus discharge after having bowel movements * Rectal bleeding and tenderness * There is a slight protrusion or lump of tissue in the anus If you are a hemorrhoid sufferer, sometimes medical treatment is necessary.
At times, a blood clot that is painful will form in a hemorrhoid.
If there is too much blood loss or if it becomes infected, you should see your doctor to eliminate concern of colon or rectal cancer.
Preventing and Treating Hemorrhoids If you are looking for a specific piles treatment or hemorrhoid remedy, look through these natural cures to see if there is one that may help.
Believe me, none of these is expensive on your wallet like many of the products you can get off the shelf at your grocery store or even find on the Internet: Frozen probes and ice packs - To reduce the swelling, insert these into your anus.
It also provides relief from burning and itching, even if only temporary.
Do not read or sit on the toilet for too long a time.
If it takes you longer than three to five minutes to have a bowel movement, you definitely have a problem.
Sitz baths - Fill the bathtub with approximately four to five inches of warm water.
Then, after you have a bowel movement, sit in the tub for about fifteen minutes.
Taking a Sitz bath will not only relieve the burning, itchy feeling, but it will also help to reduce swelling.
Use pads that are soaked with witch hazel.
This method can often provide a temporary hemorrhoid remedy from the itching and burning that you experience with hemorrhoids.
Do not scratch - Although this may make you feel better in the short run, you may cause damage to the vein walls and cause more problems.
Fruit - Eat a lot of it, particularly ones that have edible skins like pears, apples and peaches.
The skins have added fiber, and the fruit will keep the stool moist.
Water - Drink at least six to eight cups each day.
It is critical to drink water as it provides the colon with adequate moisture to prevent your stools from drying out.
This is particularly true if you happen to be taking supplements of dietary fiber.
Psyllium - This product contains bulk-forming fibers that will help soften your stool, making it easier for you to have a bowel movement and reduce any straining.
Adding bulk helps the stool move through your colon.
If you are suffering from constipation, either try drinking prune juice or eating prunes.
They produce a mild laxative effect and are a tasty hemorrhoid remedy.
White Oak Bark - This not only helps shrink swollen tissues but helps to normalize bleeding.
If you are looking for a piles treatment, this could be the one for you.
Butchers Broom - This herb helps a variety of circulation problems, particularly those involving the veins.
The external ones cause the pain and itching.
Hemorrhoid Symptoms If you wonder whether hemorrhoids are your problem, here are the symptoms they cause: * Painful bowel movements, particularly if you must strain * Itching * Mucus discharge after having bowel movements * Rectal bleeding and tenderness * There is a slight protrusion or lump of tissue in the anus If you are a hemorrhoid sufferer, sometimes medical treatment is necessary.
At times, a blood clot that is painful will form in a hemorrhoid.
If there is too much blood loss or if it becomes infected, you should see your doctor to eliminate concern of colon or rectal cancer.
Preventing and Treating Hemorrhoids If you are looking for a specific piles treatment or hemorrhoid remedy, look through these natural cures to see if there is one that may help.
Believe me, none of these is expensive on your wallet like many of the products you can get off the shelf at your grocery store or even find on the Internet: Frozen probes and ice packs - To reduce the swelling, insert these into your anus.
It also provides relief from burning and itching, even if only temporary.
Do not read or sit on the toilet for too long a time.
If it takes you longer than three to five minutes to have a bowel movement, you definitely have a problem.
Sitz baths - Fill the bathtub with approximately four to five inches of warm water.
Then, after you have a bowel movement, sit in the tub for about fifteen minutes.
Taking a Sitz bath will not only relieve the burning, itchy feeling, but it will also help to reduce swelling.
Use pads that are soaked with witch hazel.
This method can often provide a temporary hemorrhoid remedy from the itching and burning that you experience with hemorrhoids.
Do not scratch - Although this may make you feel better in the short run, you may cause damage to the vein walls and cause more problems.
Fruit - Eat a lot of it, particularly ones that have edible skins like pears, apples and peaches.
The skins have added fiber, and the fruit will keep the stool moist.
Water - Drink at least six to eight cups each day.
It is critical to drink water as it provides the colon with adequate moisture to prevent your stools from drying out.
This is particularly true if you happen to be taking supplements of dietary fiber.
Psyllium - This product contains bulk-forming fibers that will help soften your stool, making it easier for you to have a bowel movement and reduce any straining.
Adding bulk helps the stool move through your colon.
If you are suffering from constipation, either try drinking prune juice or eating prunes.
They produce a mild laxative effect and are a tasty hemorrhoid remedy.
White Oak Bark - This not only helps shrink swollen tissues but helps to normalize bleeding.
If you are looking for a piles treatment, this could be the one for you.
Butchers Broom - This herb helps a variety of circulation problems, particularly those involving the veins.