Combining onion with honey on Syruf
Natural Health Options Can Keep You From Getting Sick You've started noticing a slightly running a nose and that your throat is a little sore. You're probably trying to tell yourself that you aren't really sick but you probably know, deep down, that the flu has already set in. Before you go sprinting to the medicine cabinet, why not take a look around your kitchen and see what kind of natural health items you have on hand? Using natural health methods to cure an illness is a fantastic alternative to trying to cure your flu with chemicals and drugs. While you don't want to blow off instructions from a doctor, why not try out natural health methods for a few days before you schedule your doctor's appointment? One of the best ways to improve your health is to eat onions. Combining onions with honey to make syrup is one popular method of curing a cold. Here is how you make it: can an onion up into slices or chunks and then combine those slices with a bunch of honey and let the mixture sit for a while. It is important that this syrup has time to settle so, after combining the ingredients, it needs to sit, untouched, at least overnight. Eat one spoon full of the syrup once every three hours or so for a few days and your cold or flu should get better! Onions go well with most food, why not add some to each of your meals? Do you know that there is a proper and an improper way to clear your sinuses? If your sinus issues don't seem to be going away it is possible that it is because you are blowing your nose incorrectly. To blow your nose correctly, close one nostril while you blow gently through the other nostril and then switch side. Do not blow too hard! If you don't blow your nose carefully you could cause yourself further distress. You could end up giving yourself an earache. Many people find blowing their noses to be uncomfortable but it is important that, if you are one of those people, you learn to get over it. If you only sniffle and don't blow your nose, you could make your illness worse. Washing your hands after you blow your nose is a must! Eliminate refined sugar. Eating sugar is bad for your immune system and it makes you more susceptible for illnesses. Lots of people say that, after they stop eating sugar, they start to feel a lot better. Sugary drinks might taste better when you are sick, it is better to steer clear of them and drink water instead (or tea). Eating a lot of sugar will undo all of the good that your other healthier habits might be doing for you. Beefing up your immune system regularly is the best natural health remedy because it will help keep you from getting sick in the first place. More importantly, knowing how to correctly treat the symptoms you do have can go a long way to helping you combat illness and to keep yourself from accidentally making yourself sicker. Your body will thank you for using natural methods to treat illness instead of simply throwing chemicals at whatever ailment comes your way