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Swiss Cuckoo Clocks - A Fun Way to Keep Time

For many of us, our days are arranged by "times" - time to get up, time to leave for work, time to fix dinner, time to give the kids a bath, time to go to bed, time, time, time.
While there's no escaping the necessity of keeping track of time, there are ways to make keeping track of time fun.
 Some people do this with fun watches, some with old fashioned sundials, and others with Swiss cuckoo clocks.
The Greek mathematician Ctesibius of Alexandria, who lived from 285-222 BC, had the world's first cuckoo style clock, or at least the first one mentioned in historical accounts.
It featured a water driven whistle and a model owl, and was the predecessor to the modern Swiss cuckoo clocks we enjoy today.
Of course, our modern cuckoo style clocks have come quite a ways since then! Let's take a look at some of the great Swiss cuckoo clocks that can be used to make keeping time fun.
  The Schneider Swiss Chalet Cuckoo Clock with Animated Dancers, model number MT 277/9, features the traditional cuckoo bird that sings his song at the top of every hour.
After his song, four hand carved figurines make their appearance, and dance to one of two melodies.
With a two year warranty and an average price of $650.
00, this Swiss cuckoo style clock is a classic example of how fun and whimsical keeping time can be.
For those with more modest budgets, the Swiss Alpine Chalet Cuckoo Clock from Northcote Imports LLC (item #E01902SQ) costs $65.
00 on average.
Hand carved, hand painted, and made in the Black Forest region of Germany, this example of cuckoo style clocks is beautiful and affordable.
And these are just two examples of Swiss cuckoo clocks! You can buy them new and become a collector, or you can buy antique ones with a history.
New cuckoo clocks can be found at many specialty furniture stores, as well as online.
 Antique cuckoo clocks, on the other hand, can be hard to come by, but are often found at flea markets, estate sales, and through auction websites.
No matter where you get your cuckoo clock, be sure to hang it somewhere in your home where your family gathers, in order to make keeping time less of a chore, and more of a joy.

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