Health & Medical Parenting

Good & Easy Jobs for Kids

    • Kids can help with jobs around the house.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images

      Running an organized household can take a lot of work and when there are children in the family, it is beneficial for them to help out with various jobs. According to Family Education in "Chores and Children," these jobs teach children responsibility and life skills. In addition, children who are hoping to buy something special may earn extra money by helping their family, neighbors or others in the community with age-appropriate jobs.

    Baby and Pet Sitting

    • Pet care is a way kids can earn extra money.child walking dog image by Warren Millar from

      One of the most popular ways older children earn extra money is by taking care of younger children. Children who are not able to babysit independently can still work in childcare as a parent's helper. The parent of young children can benefit from an older child simply playing with and keeping an eye on little ones while he is accomplishing household tasks.

      According to Money Instructor in "Ways for Kids to Make Money," animal lovers can put the word out to their neighborhood that they are available for pet sitting or dog walking. Families with pets can appreciate a neighbor willing to help them out with their furry family members.

    Kitchen Help

    • Kids can help keep the kitchen clean.Kitchen image by armanxo from

      Most families spend a lot of time in the kitchen and there's always something that needs attention. According to Web MD in "Age-Appropriate Chores for Children," children as young as four years old can help clear the table. As kids grow, they can wash dishes, load and unload the dishwasher, wipe down the counter or table, and sweep the floor.

    Outdoor Jobs for Kids

    Other Household Jobs for Children

    • Children can help out in other ways around the house as well. Older children can start to help with laundry. At first, they can put away clean laundry and later have the responsibility of sorting, loading machines and folding.

      Many households have pets that require maintenance. Giving animals food, water and other care such as brushing and walking is an easy job for the youngest of children.

      In bedrooms, young children can remove dirty sheets for washing and as children get older, they will be able to replace them with clean sheets and make beds.

    Help with Technology

    • Kids can help out with teaching computer applications.laptop image by Jorge Figueiredo from

      When it comes to computers and high-tech gadgets, kids often have the upper hand. Parents and other adults in the community can ask for lessons from computer savvy kids. Many children can easily teach an adult how to install and use programs or navigate the Internet.

      Older children with computer skills can also help adults take and upload pictures of things they need to sell online as well as remove and save pictures from a digital camera and save files to a hard drive.

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