Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Cheap Exercise - How to Exercise With What You Have at Home

Getting anything cheap or free for many people is great and exercise is usually no exception.
So if you can't afford to get a personal trainer or equipment there are cheap ways to exercise.
In my articles "exercise with no equipment" and " exercise with little equipment" it was a little different than cheap exercise because in cheap exercise its using things you use in your everyday life to simulate what you would be able to do with equipment but not sacrifice your ability to get a great workout.
Below in this article I will go through several things that you have in your everyday life that you could use to workout.
· Chair- Although we all sit on one everyday, chairs are great pieces of workout equipment.
If you have a pretty sturdy chair you can perform dips, incline pushups, step ups and chair squats.
· Cans, Candle holders or any thing that is weighted- As long as you can get your hands around it and its significantly weighted you can use it to exercise.
Arm curls, shoulder exercises or any exercises that require more than your body weight are great to exercise with.
· Your Body- As stated in other articles, your body is great to use and there are almost limitless exercises that you can do.
Pilates and Yoga are two forms of exercise where using your body in most cases is the major tool for resistance.
So with a little imagination you can see that whether you go to a gym or can't afford to pay for personal training when it comes to exercise there really is no excuse when there is cheap or no equipment exercise

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