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How to Treat Undercarriage Rust

    • 1). Lift your vehicle using a jack and support with jack stands.

    • 2). Go underneath the car and, using a wire brush, remove any loose rust. An alternative to a wire brush is a high-pressure hose, but wait for the car to completely dry before proceeding with the rest of this task. Be sure to wear goggles to protect your eyes from falling rust.

    • 3). Apply wax and grease remover to the entire undercarriage using a towel or rag.

    • 4). Brush your store-purchased rust remover liberally onto the bottom of the vehicle. Wait 24 hours for the rust remover to dry and check the state of the undercarriage. The metal should be turning black as a protective barrier is formed.

    • 5). Apply additional rust remover to any areas that don't seem to be responding to the treatment.

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