Bladder Disease Symptoms
- According to, symptoms of bladder disease include blood in the urine, cloudy urine, pain upon urination and trouble urinating, which is often the cause of a bladder infection. Older people with a bladder infection may experience bladder incontinence (leaking urine when coughing or moving). If you experience symptoms such as fever, chills, nausea or vomiting, contact your doctor immediately.
- Causes of bladder diseases include improper diet, infection either from poor hygiene or illness, and cancer. A diet that consists of too much soda and not enough water can lead to a bladder infection. Outside causes, such as coughing, can cause bladder incontinence, especially during pregnancy, after delivery, and as you get older as the bladder becomes weak. Poor hygiene can cause a bladder infection by spreading bacteria up from the genital area.
- Various bladder diseases can be identified through testing such as urine samples, ultrasound of the pelvic area and cystoscopy. According to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, a cystoscopy is used as an "examination of the inside of the bladder and urethra" by transporting urine in the bladder to the outside of the body for further testing and examination. Upon examination, a doctor can identify blood in the urine or a high white blood cell count, which generally indicates infection.
- Certain bladder infections, such as those caused by infection, poor hygiene and poor diet, can be prevented using proper at-home care. Women should avoid taking too many bubble baths, since they can cause bladder infections. Keep up proper hygiene, such as daily washing, particularly the genitals. Drink plenty of healthy fluids, such as water, and those containing electrolytes to keep your bladder flushed and clean.
- After diagnosing you with bladder disease, your doctor may prescribe medication. Bactrim is commonly used to treat bladder infections. You can also purchase over-the-counter medications such as Azo and Cystex. Operations may help bladder incontinence such as lifting the bladder and bladder augmentation, which is "an operation performed to increase the size of the bladder," states the American Urological Association Foundation.